Chapter 6

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No One's PoV

The remaining Elites and all of the princes sat at a cafeteria table in silence, all of them not sure how to start the conversation.  The princes were staring at the Elites in what seemed like pity, while the Elites glared at the table like it was Virgil's captor. There were a lot of footsteps getting closer to the table, and when the Elites looked up they saw that princes parents. Thomas flinched back, Deceit bared his fangs, and Logan just stared at them blankly.  When the parents finally reached the table they gathered behind their respective child.

"What happened?" Snow White asked her son.

"We went to the Isle and Virgil got taken, so we need to think of a way to get him back," Roman responded.

"Well, what are you sitting in silence for then, plan his rescue," the King said.

"He doesn't need to be rescued, just taken from off the Isle he probably already got away from mother anyway," Logan sneered. 

"Yeah, but it would be too weird if the Auradon Limo went to the Isle twice in 24 hours," Thomas whispered still hunched over.

"Well, what if we make it into a 'royal outing' and we came with you guys, and just say that we were looking at the Isle and how its been over the years?" Cinderella suggested.

"Alright, whatever. We just need Virge back. Meet here tomorrow at 8 o'clock sharp so we can get there early," Deceit said before getting up and walking out of the room. 

The royals all nodded and the last two Elites got up and followed after their two-faced friend. 

"They care about each other don't they?" Aroura asked her son and his friends.

"They are all each other have, of course, they care," Remy said before getting up with the other princes.

The adults stand in silence as they watch their children leave, think about what Remy said, but what about their actual family, a lot of them were thinking not understanding why the Elites were so close.

~time skip brought to you by (◕△◕✿) ~

By the time all of the royals were in the cafeteria the Elites had been there for an hour. Thomas, Deceit, and Logan were all standing in the far corner talking in hushed voices and gesturing with their hands. 

"Who is going to go get them?" Crowned Prince Henry(Patton's dad) asked the young royals. 

"I'll do it," Patton said. 

He walked over to the small group and gently tapped Logan on the shoulder. Logan turned around and raised a single eyebrow at Patton in question. Patton whispered something and pointed over at the royals. The Elites looked over and when they realized that all of the royals were there they nodded and grabbed their bags before walking over. 

"Are you all ready?" Logan asked.

When the royals all nodded the Elites started to walk to where they knew where the limos were parked. Thomas got in the front of one while Deceit got in the front of the other. The young royals got in the back of Thomas' limo with Cinderella and Crowned Prince Henry, while the rest of the adult royals and Logan got in the other limo. 

"So, why do you care so much about getting Virgil back?" Snow White asked. 

"Do you have any siblings, Ms White?"Logan asked back, with a tilt of his head.

"Well, no. But what does that have Virgil?"Snow asked confused.

"Virgil is my brother. I only meet him 5 years ago by chance, our parents didn't want us to know that the other existed," he told her before turning back to the window. 

The adults all got quiet after that. Logan could see the Isle now. A few minutes later the golden barrier opened slightly to let the two limos through before reclosing. When they went through the barrier Logan's appearance changed again, his hair going back to the blue flames. The adults stared at him like he grew a second head, but he ignored them. Logan tapped on the window that separated the driver's area from the back. Deceit lowered the window and looked at Logan.

"You know where we are going right?" Logan asked him.

"No, I have no idea," Deceit responded before closing the window.

"Why is he driving if he doesn't know where we are going?" Crowned Prince Phillip. 

"He's lying, he knows where we are going don't worry," Logan replied.

Five minutes later, the limo stopped and Logan got out with Deceit.

The adults got out of the back as well and they waited for the other limo to pull up. When they did Logan walked over and hit the intercom just like last time the gate opened. The Elites climbed up the stairs first followed by the young royals, and lastly the adults. When the adults finally got up to the apartment, Logan was trying to clean up his science experiments. Deceit came out of one of the rooms with another couch.

The young royals immediately sat down and turned on the tv. Beauty and the Beast was playing. 

"Well, he is not here so, there are two places he could be. The Fish and Chips shop or Curl Up or Dye," Thomas said after checking all of the rooms.

"What is Curl Up and Dye?" Cinderella asked.

"Lady Tremaine's hair salon. Dizzy works there, and Dizzy is like our little sister. He probably is either hanging out there or getting taxes for the pirates." Logan explained.

"We should check the hair salon first, you know how Lady Tremaine can get," Thomas said getting up and brushing of the dust on his clothes from the couch. 

The Elites all nodded and started to leave.

"Well, are you coming or not?"Logan said when none of the royals moved to leave.

They all nodded and got up and followed the Elites out of the apartment and down the street. It took them a while to get to the hair salon and when they did the Elites had to keep the large door open for the royals to get through. Sitting on the counter was Virgil and in front of him was a little girl in a dress made out of rags. 

"Hey, Diz. Hey, Virge," Logan said walking over and wrapped his arm around Dizzy's shoulders.

"Hey, come to pick me up already? And what's with the royal barrage?" Virgil replied with a smirk at the royals.

"They didn't trust us to do this ourselves so they decided to tag along. And they wanted to see how the Isle is doing," Thomas said walking over to them. 

"The Isle is absolute shit but alright," Virgil said with a shrug.

"Diz, you got the taxes? I just remembered," Virgil asked.

Dizzy nodded and wiggled out from under Logan's arm to go over to the cash register. She opened it and took out a bag and when she shook it it jingles slightly. Virgil wanted over and grabbed and counted what was inside, nodding when he was done. 

"You said you had something for Uma?" he said after he was done.

"Oh yeah, thanks I forgot," Dizzy squealed before running over to a large trunk and pulled out a delicate silver and blue tiara with a water drop shaped gem.

"Thanks, hun. She'll love it."Virgil told her as he placed it carefully in his shoulder bag. The Elites left after saying goodbye and the royals followed after them.

"To the fish and chip shop," Virgil announced.

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