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Chapter 2: All We see Is Nintendo For Forever

-time skip to after school brought to you by Christine Canigula-


"C-ccccc-come on! Go! go!" I muttered to myself as I watched the clock slowly tick up to the twelve mark. "Yessss!" I grabbed my stuff, bursting through the door and rushing to my locker to pack up. Soon, I grabbed my bag and walked down the crowded hall, scanning it for my Player 1's red hoodie. I ran over to him, greeting him with a hug from behind. He jumped, startled. "Oh, hey Jer! You scared me!" he turned around, catching his breath and smiling at me. I chuckled. "You ready to go?" He grabbed his bag, and took his keys out of his pocket. "Yep!" He winked at me, leaving me feeling like the luckiest person on earth. 

~time skip to Jeremy's house brought to you by Rich's adorable lisp~

As soon as Micheal's PT Cruiser pulled up in my  driveway, I jumped out of the car, grabbing my bag and heading for the door, with Micheal close behind me. I dropped my bag near the stairs and hurried into the basement. "Someone's exicited!" Micheal chuckled and dropped his bag near his designated beanbag, as I turned on the Nintedo and put in AOTD. "Of course I am! You're my best friend!" I said, smiling brightly at him. "And I love you." I added in my head, not daring to say it out loud. Micheal grinned and smiled at me with that heart-warming grin that always left me feeling like I didn't need anything but him.

~time skip brought to 3 hours later brought to you by Jake on crutches~


As we played, I studied Jeremy. His baby-blue eyes, his messy brown-blond hair, the lopsided grin with his tounge sticking out he showed every time I beat him. Would he ever know how much I loved him? Probably not. I sighed. "What's wrong, Micha?" Jeremy looked at me sideways, his face concerned. "I'm ok! I just.. need to pee." His eyebrows crinkled in suspicion. "Ok..." I got up and walked towards the door to his bathroom. And, then, suddennly, the world went black. 


I noticed Micheal studying me while we played. His face was unreadable. I was worried.  Was something wrong? But, I didn't dwell on it, because I knew Micheal well enough to know that he'd tell me eventually. He got up to use the bathroom. I twiddled my thumbs for about 15 minutes. I then got up. "Micheal, buddy? You good?" I saw him lying right outside the door, unconsious. I dropped to the ground, rubbing Micheal's back. "Baby? Are you okay?" I didn't mean to call him that, but I didn't care at that point, and countined to try to wake him up. A few minutes later, I heard the door click, and my dad walked in. "Dad? Micheal dropped unconsuis for no reason.. DAD! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Tears streamed down my face as I looked up at my dad. "Ok, Jer. Go get his stuff. I'll drive you to the hospital. It'll be fine, I promise." My dad put his stuff down on the kitchen table. Still crying, I went to get his stuff, racing back and picking him up and carrying him bridal-style. I didn't care about the blush that crept up my face when I made contact with him. I needed my Player One to be ok. Whatever it took. 

Thanks for reading!


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