The Dream

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A little girl stands alone glancing round eyes wide with fear, her surroundings of desert disperse and fall away leaving only darkness. A figure steps out of the shadows, the force is with him, but darkness doesn't follow him light is hinted but not seen. Stepping closer the girl reaches out her hand. The man looks up and lifts his hands, they grab his hood shielding his face and he gently lifts it away revealing a middle aged man with a beard, his eyes were gentle but had seen a lot. he mutters under his breath then kneels down to the small girls height and speaks softly, "Rey, never forget..." he suddenly falls away too his lips move but she was too far away to hear the words that accompanied them. she is suddenly standing in the rain watching a building burn she new this place, she saw the droid and Skywalker reaching out his hand and leaning on the droid, this was the burning Jedi temple on Ahch-to. Lightning had struck and was blazing down the tree. Then another voice spoke but ruged and aged, no person was in the line of sight, the rain was deafening but the words were still there. "Rey..." it echoed and was warily familiar like the first voice but this wasn't comforting but a threat. Thunder rumbled and the voice kept repeating the name the rain came down harder. louder the name was said over and over until it stopped and lightning stuck again but near her. the vocie changed she knew this voice it was all too soon recognised, Ben Solo, and it all fell away into darkness.

Rey jolted upright and looked around. she was sure she had cried out in her sleep, just a dream she thought. Rubbing her hands down her face she realised she was in a cold sweat. and panting, her heart was thumping in her throat. Who were those people; it was the same dream over and over again always ending with Ben Solo. looking down at her feet in the bunk, they were bare, she had been thrashing around as well. She swung her legs over the bunk sliding into her boots below. careful not to wake anyone sleeping in the room with her which consisted of Rose and Connix, The room creaked and settled as she made her way to the door, which made too much noise when opening. the hydraulics were stiff from not being used for so long. Going out into the corridor the automatic lights failed to flicker on, probably just as well, best not to wake anyone else. making her way down the shaft towards the light at the end, her boots loosely hanging onto her ankles, she reached the end and came out into an open hanger.

There were a few X-wings laid out all over the place with fuel containers and tool kits abandoned after attempts at repair. continuing on past these ships and then on to the freight entrance where a warm breeze greeted her. Breathing purposefully slowly in and out she Rey closed her eyes trying to re-imagine the dream, replaying the steps in her head. Sand brushed at her boots trying feebly to enter the holes in the soul of the shoe. Reaching out she felt the force within her. Simple. Then out to surroundings; the hanger, then the whole Star-Destroyer and the sand around with buried ships both Rebel and old Empire. The Resistance had taken refuge in the old Empires Star-Destroyer that had crashed on Jakku. They had managed to gain access to some of the systems including shields and put the bridge online. they had fixed up some of the X-wings that had been commandeered and had them waiting on standby in case of attack but the main priority at present was to keep down low and gain more followers. The General had put out the call on Crait for aid and support from allies and so far only a few had answered. The resistance was small but still alive, everyone here had a specific job like Commander Poe Dameron had been tasked with training up the much needed air support. Hers was in a way harder but from other peoples perspective easy just learn how to properly learn the ways of the force, it had gone well but with only the old texts to use and no teacher the understanding had come to a halt. She needed time alone to think without the buzz of work and repair during the light. She needed answers. Now. From her time on Jakku she knew travel at night was best; not as much heat so less hydration was needed. She looked back at the hanger, glancing around for the security cameras we'd rigged up. She spotted one and eye contact with the lens before turning back to face the desert before her, in a way she was sad to be leaving them but would be within contact range. the entrance was higher than the sand level and even then a dune had built up around it so getting down would need rope, or in her case careful steps. She paced her foot on the broken outside of the ship and descended to the barren below the sand seamed course underfoot and bent down and did up her boots properly, the light sand meant the need of a torch wasn't necessary. found the board that had been temporarily used to reach the bottom of the sand dune, it had been Reys idea from her years spent here. Rey  reached the bottom and the familiar feeling of sand getting into everywhere including the lighter duct blowing up in her face making it hard to open her eyes and the grit entering her teeth. She pulled the crate that was used as a board under the broken wing of the TIE-Fighter at the base of the Star-Destroyer. as Rey ran off into the night.

Finn spun round on the chair boredom setting in as the overnight watch of the security hours ticked by. The screens on the main deck whirred and updated every few seconds scattering the shield coding. The cameras that had been installed round the ship were dead and immobile as everyone else was asleep. He picked at his nails and glimpsed movement in the cameras he jumped up and ran over to the security station of the bridge. The person made tier way silently down the corridors Finn watched in silence hand over the com link to Poe poised to say there was most likely a scavenger looking for parts to rip out the ship. but as they came into the hanger their face was illuminated by the moons light outside. their face became clear and he relaxed his grip. It was Rey. Although what was she doing: she just stood there at the entrance and started what looked like meditating. the sand around her stopped blowing in the hanger but hung in the air like shards of glass it created a sort of field around her masking her thoughts. this carried on for minutes and just as Finn was to leave and go back to being bored she moved. The sand dropped and she looked around trying to find something, all of a sudden the two made eye contact not knowing the other could see but Rey then looked away and disappeared into the sand.

So that's the first chapter, I promise I will try and update regularly and make them nice long chapters, I don't really have a direction at the moment so if anyone has any ideas. NO REYLO THOUGH.

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