Phase 1

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Hux was stood on the main bridge platform overlooking the working officers. His stance was strong; hand behind back and feet apart.

"General, unknown mass of ships approaching directly in front of us sir." Hux whipped round to see the officer at their work station viewing the oncoming fleet. The Resistance he thought. 

"Alert all Star-Destroyers, open fire destroy all those ships!" He spat. pointing at the speck of fighters. He then dashed out the room "I will inform the Supreme Leader." and the hydraulic doors closed behind him, throwing the bridge into an organised war zone in itself with people shouting attack orders.

"Ok Poe lead your squadron on a front assault to get their attention." Commander D'Acy was leaning over the coms on the bridge. Several people were situated at desks with screens overseeing what was about to unfold.

"Yes, Commander" Poe was in his cockpit coming up to the Star-Destroyers with the band of X-Wings behind him. "Comon buddy this is easy," He glanced behind him at the droid beeping slightly confused and nervous. "All crew in attack positions," and the guns unfolded. his faltered slightly when opening. He held his breath, his fighter wasn't full fixed, there had been no time to finish it. "Black leader standing by." and he started the chain of role call.

"Ok Commander, this is just a decoy mission not a full on assault so do not engage those Star-Destroyers in a full on dog fight." Commander D'Acy crackled over the coms into Poes' helmet.

Hux was striding through the hall barking orders. "Scramble the TIE Fighters, I want nothing left of the Resistance!" The First Order pilots ran to their craft while Stormtroopers ran in formation and alarms blared overhead.

The Resistance fighters reached the ships and began their assault. They didn't have much time uninterrupted before the TIE fighters joined them and a dog fight began. Various crafts were diving everywhere trying to take out the cannons and First Order pilots. Poe barrel rolled over his colleagues and fired at one fighter as it appeared in his scopes. Swerving off he aimed at the nearest ships cannons and fired taking it out. He then heard the go ahead for the decoy Empire TIE Fighters to leave the hanger and begin the proper attack. 

The pilot Rose was flying with took off and she crossed her fingers. She was sat in the gunners seat. As they left the hanger no one fired at them; a few X-Wings skimmed past hands twitching towards the trigger before realising it was the same side. The pilot swerved in and out of the fight, dogging the occasional fire from various sides. So far so good.

"I can't shake him!" Poe cut into the coms hoping for rescue. He swerved and rolled trying to throw them off. One fighter on his way to his aid was lost, Poe closed his eyes in respect. But out of nowhere The familiar round shape cast a shadow on the TIE Fighter. Rey guided the Falcon into the correct position and Finn fired. Chewie made a satisfied sound making Leia smile, she'd missed this.

The decoy fighters neared the Star-Destroyers hangers- time for the moment on truth. Rose held her breath along with everyone else. They hadn't quite figured out how to land so entry was messy and the Fighter skidded across the hanger colliding with the sided causing the left side to come off. a fire sparked from the crash as it came to a scratchy stop. Expecting people to check out the crash the pair ducked down into the foot well but as they waited no one came. Rose poked her head up, there was such a rush that surprisingly no one had really paid any attention towards them.

"Ok lets go-" they clambered out of the plane and ducked below the side that was leaning against the carnage. They ran across to get to the main hallway to find the ships shields, Rose hit the wall as stormtroopers ran past before carrying on. The pair weaved in and out of corridors as the other three teams did the same. They shuffled the final bend and ran into two officers. both sides were stunned to move. Rose raised an eyebrow and the officers pulled out their hand blasters. But the pilot with her was already on top of one and rose had stunned the other. he fell to the floor.

"You wanna end up like him? Open this door!" Rose leaned in closer holding her blaster to his face and he shied away but nodding. "See nothing to worry" about she said smiling at the pilot who intern also laughed. The officer held his pass card code up to the scanner to open the door while Rose looked around for anyone coming, this hadn't gone so well last time. The door sprung into life and the pilot blasted the officer and they both dragged the limp bodies in the door with them grunting under their weight. The hydraulics shut the door as they passed through. 

Rey and Chewie controlled the ship while Finn and another member of their team fired at passing TIE Fighters. This team worked well. They bypassed Poe as he narrowly missed collision with them. 

"Don't worry buddy, I wasn't going to hit them..." he reasured the shaken droid. "I think?" He said more to himself.

"Cocky!" Rey came in through the coms. Chewie grunted. "Yes I am concentrating!" 

Rose ran up the the sheilds main panel for control and began typing away decoding the system. 

"Shame, we needed them." she said glancing down at the officers, but the pilot jutted in and disabled the alarms and then went on to disarm the shields for the Dreadnought.

"Ok we're in the shields are down!" She shouted at the coms. She then heard two more people say the same from the other two teams.

Connix only needed one more to give the go ahead for the Falcon. But nothing came through.

"Whats your status! Come in" she yelled at the mic on her headset. Then a crackled broken voice came on.

"We're compromised take the whole ship down, do it now." They were screaming this but grunting.

"Please confirm, take the Whole Star-Destroyer down?" Connix repeated back. Then the reply came through but was immediately cut off. She bowed her head. "Black leader come in"

BB8 beeped and Poe answered.


"Take out lieutenant Sovereigns Star-Destroyer they have been found." Poe bashed the side of his cockpit with his fist in annoyance. 

"Copy that-" he replied sighing and proceeded to gather more X-Wing Fighters and they began firing on the ship. The planes dived in and took out the turbo lasers first before moving onto the cannons. The TIE Fighters had joined them by this point and scrambled their attack. Poe shut off his engine and drifted round to be at the rear of one heading towards the larger ship. He fired but only clipped the side sending it spiralling off. He turned away to begin another attack, But the fighter smashed through the bridge cascading problems across the whole ship. it began to dip and then the giant structure imploded.

"May the force be with them-" Commander D'Acy put onto the coms for everyone. "General begin your decent onto the Dreadnought, Good luck."

Rey dived towards the giant ship casting a shadow over the battle. The fight had been far away from the ship which was staying out of the fight. The Falcon edged closer. Finn started firing on the ships cannons so they made sure they could even reach an entry point. Rey dodged the incoming TIE Fighters ammunition.

"You have to make this look like a crash landing or they'll suspect something." Leia chipped in. Chewie looked sad, his precious ship, before nodding. Rey looked over at the two before starting to spin and head the final few hundred meters towards the hangar door. It was going to be tight. The Falcon scraped the door as it skidded in without the parking supports. it hit the rear wall after whipping out a control panel and various personnel on the ground. The crew inside the ship held their breath. Rey let out a cry as the hit the wall giving them all whiplash, the ship settled at an angle.

"Yes I'm sure it will still fly, its had far worse..." Rey looked away biting her lip glancing out the window as the exterior ground filled with troupes and officers all pointing their guns. Rey jumped out of her seat causing the shift of the resting Falcon. "Ok positions!" she shouted out the door and the crew shut themselves away to hide and the main flying crew gathered at the door. Finn joined them from the gunner turret. 

"Good luck General" Rey heard through the ear piece she had in. Sparks started to fly as the door was being cut open, probably jammed shut she thought. The grinding filled her ears as she ran through the plan one last time.

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