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There was a loud hum of conversations in the meeting room. It was a dark room with many circles each descending to one large 3D projector in the centre, fairly similar to the room they were in earlier that day. Leia was hunched over the rim of the projector; with Commander D'Acy and Commander Dameron in discussion near her. Finn was on the first row of seating next to Rose with R2 on standby at their feet.

Rey surveyed the scene and walked down the stairs passing their only squadron of pilots, no doubt Poe would join them once this kicked off. She went to the bottom level to sit next to Chewbacca who only had C3P0 for company, better go and rescue him. But Leia beckoned her over. 

"I need you to stand up here with me as a symbol for the Jedi," Rey nodded and took her place by the Generals side who put up her hand for silence. the low drone of the room stopped and only the four of them were left out of their seats. 

"As you know, we are running out of time before the First Order strikes again, we have an idea to allow us more time put new order in place. Finn has provided vital inside information on the new larger Dreadnought that has been built." she nodded at him and people eyes glanced over at him. "It is thought that the four Star-Destroyers constantly in contact with this vessel are aiding in the maintenance of the shields, if we disable these cruisers without them knowing then we can sneak aboard the main ship and have a decoy prisoner that will be taken to the bridge. the end aim is to take control of the ship via the bridge undetected. then disarm and take-it-down. we will have people positioned throughout the ship with charges." She halted and took in a breath. "I know this is all very idealistic but its the best we've got at present." most individuals in the room shifted at unease. Poe spoke up.

"We will have seven divisions. four of them will go aboard the separate Star-Destroyers and disable the shields, you'll be using the Empires TIE-Fighters as they blend in. I will lead the X-Wings in a front assault distraction." Leia held up her hand and chipped in slightly sad.

"The last two teams will be with me and we'll be going on board in the Falcon one will go to the bridge and the rest will split off to hide the charges." It was Commander D'Acy's turn to speak up.

"we will be taking one large fleet ship we have recovered to aid in the distraction." Leia looked down then straightened up. Rey noticed this as she looked at her, she then noticed Poe doing the same, they made eye contact for a fraction of a second.

"May the force be with us" and the resistance broke away.

Sorry for the short chapter but this was a vital scene. 

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