On the other side of the galaxy

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It was strange. He could no longer sense the girls presence, they hadn't been connected in a long time. This was partly because of Snokes involvement in the matter but none the less he still was holding on to those moments he got to pry information out of her. Kylo Ren reached up to his cheek gently touching his scar that she had given him. He was debating what to do next; continue the search for the Resistance or concentrate on reaching out to the scavenger, he was sure she could appeal to the dark side.

His thoughts were interrupted by the hydraulic door opening and the entry of General Hux. his figure forming out of the mist the door created.

"Supreme Leader, one of our out lying allies in the outer regions of the galaxy have come forward bringing knowledge of the Resistance." Kylos' eyebrows began to knit together.

"Bring them to me." he said and a sneer crept across Hux's pasty face. He bowed his head standing slightly on his tip toes and paraded out the gallery that overlooked the main hanger of the newly designed dreadnought. Kylo Ren had not turned round this entire brief conversation he had his eyes fixated on the actions of out the window.

Hux made his way down the corridor, head held high and his face showing pure ugly triumph. he put his hands behind his back as he entered the cell that was holding the person with the information.

"It's your lucky day," he said to the prisoner. "Supreme Leader Ren would like to speak with you." he gestured to the guarding stormtroopers to follow him. The way Hux had phrased ally to Ren made him anxious, the 'prisoner' had been caught on a freight and then pleaded that he had information that he would give if he was released. It was no one he had seen before and would likely never see again. Reaching the viewing gallery, Hux entered his security and walked through the door passing the working officers below his feet.

"Supreme Leader..." he stated.

"SPEAK." pulling the prisoner forward in front of him. Ren turned around to face them just as the man began to talk.

"Supreme Leader Ren, an honour." he stammered.

"Oh get on with it." Hux rolled his eyes but Ren held up his hand.

"I have information regarding the Resistances movements. They have been calling out to their supporters via General Organas specific frequency code. I have intel that they have followers and supporters in most systems now. Their base numbers have grown considerably." he finished grimacing at what would follow.

Ren stepped forward and bent down to the height of the speaker. His voice had changed to a cold and quiet tone.

"This isn't new information, you think that I intern have no spies of my own, well I do they are gathering supplies and followers by the day and with a whole fleet as soon as we know their location will disperse the remaining fighters. so I will only ask you one thing, where are they?" he cocked his head to the side.

"I don't know that much..." he trailed off.

"Well then you have wasted my time." and Kylo Ren brought his lightsabre to his hand and burnt a hole in the giver of information. he hung there limp before floping to the ground and Ren stood up. "I want efforts doubled, FIND THEM." he lifted his helmet into his hands, he had placed it poorly back together with a red sealant, and it clicked onto his head and he heard his mechanical voice play. "NOW" and he spun round punching the edge of the glass gallery before cracks started to appear. There was now conflict anymore.

BB8 tilted his head round a corner. he then rolled fully into view. He was not at the right height to be seen so it was up to him to dodge in between legs of mechanics and various pilots, as he searched for his pilot.

A New Order Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora