I am always with you Rey

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"But would Rey be recognised by Kylo Ren?" Poe asked, from what Leia had told him of the force others could sense other force users. The General bowed her head to acknowledge but then said.

"Ben would be concentrating on my presence too much too notice hers." Poe wasn't convinced. Finn then questioned,

"Who would be in hiding around the ship?"

"Ill do it.Ill organise a team to take with me." Rose chipped in.

"I will stay on the bridge with Commander D'Acy."

"You can oversee the layout then Connix" Leia said in a 'good choice' kind of tone. Finn zoomed in on marked points of the ship.

"We could have people stationed at these points as they are overlooking major hangers and control units." He gestured to a few raised platforms and galleries.

"Ok, but they would have to stormtroopers as they are permanently stationed at most doors." Commander D'Acy narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

"I can be one of those people," Finn Raised his head but the General cut him off.

"No. I need you on the bridge with me, if something goes wrong you know the systems better than anyone here." Finn nodded.

Kylo Ren sat alone in the throne room of the deceased Supreme Leader Snoke. The title should have been passed to him long ago. He had no conflict he was almost questioning himself. He failed to kill his mother but he hadn't faltered on his father Han Solo.

He would finish the scavenger off, no matter how he did it she would not survive, she refused to turn.

He Looked over at the throne a few meters away. Snoke thought he was weak and conflicted. He killed Luke Skywalker, he was in charge of the First Order now. Before he could react his lightsabre in hand. He slashed the throne it split in two melting ad smouldering red with the heat of the sabre. he swung again, with anger and started to grunt, then a low pitched scream, he couldn't stop his fury. Good.

The throne was only a pile of broken shards with hot metal cooling around him. He turned and stormed out the room. Shouting to anyone who heard.

"Summon the Knights of Ren!"

A snail trail winded its way across the sand. the course grit pushed aside by the droid. His scanner was leading him far away. The heat signature was on the move again but getting closer. He made more desperate beeps to catch up with the body.

Rey looked behind her at the spot where master Kenobie had been. She had a family. But her parents didn't want her. It was true she knew it was but she was holding on to something else then her long lost relative appeared. She had to get back to resistance before they moved on. The crater she was in was steeper than it had been when she arrived. How did that work. She reached for a nearby rock and grabbed it to make her climb out. The rock fell away. She tried another for a foot hold and it fell away just as easily. She began scrambling. What was going on? a voice came into her mind with the wind. Use the force it spoke. Luke. She stopped moving and turned around expecting to see him as well but it was just the rocks she was moving earlier.

The rocks she was moving earlier...

BB8 was moving as fast as he could spin making his head vibrate on the uneven ball surface. He was sure it was her.

Rey sat down with her hand outstretched reaching out to the force. The boulders groaned under their own weight and started to lift, she kept concentration. she imagined a pile on the edge letting her out. she reached even more beckoning them to move. Then she felt it. That connection between her and another living thing. She herd her breathing slow and steady, she sensed theirs was pulsating with anger.

"Ben-" She openned her eyes to slits

Kylo Ren stopped his storming down to hall way. He'd felt her presence. But it was calmed and had barriers up around the mind. He was still driven by anger after summoning the Knights of Ren.

"I know your there Scavenger." his low tone made his voice sound below the hum of movement in the corridor. "I have others to aid my search for you. The Knights of Ren. Skywalker might of mentioned them?" but the feeling of calm was gone. and the slow breathing was gone. it was just him looking stupid talking to himself while officers walked past.

But she had herd. His every word. Luke had told her about these Jedi. They were lethal. She opened her eyes to see the rocks resembling a loose pile enough to climb out. Cheep trick Master Skywalker she muttered under her breath. A faint thought came to her head- always here always training you Rey. It had to be Luke. She started to climb out then herd faint beeps, urgent and hopeful but there.

"BB8?" she climbed faster. She popped her head out over the top to see a dark shadow heading straight towards her; in the shape of a small ball.

"BB8!" It was him she jumped out and ran to meet him. he made all sorts of excited beeps

"Why are Poe and Finn looking for me?" more happy beeps, "plans?" He made more noises. "Ok lets go. "Yes, I just needed some time alone, all sorted now. more Jedi stuff BB8, that kind of thing."

She started to run back towards the jagged Star-Destroyer outline on the far dune.

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