That Shared Moment

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The mask of Darth Vader looked back at him. mangled ans misshapen but recognisable as his grandfather.

"I have the Resistance within my grasp, I have new followers but yet I still feel the pull to the light. I fear I am not as strong as you. The scavenger saw this in me." He retracted his helmet and placed it next to the legendary mask. "I need your guidance you have helped me once before but I don't see things as clearly anymore." He bowed his head. Confusement and anger suddenly flowed through him, surging to every nerve. He slammed his hand on the surface and and gritted his teeth. the energy coursing through to the bone. His breathing was fast and his heart was thumping in his throat. he concentrated on slowing his breathing. the anger would be focused then; and put to good use. He could hear a breath apart from his own- hurried but calm and a hint of nervousness.

Rey stopped. they were in hyper-space on the large fleet ship; on the way to the location of the dreadnought. she was walking to the falcon. Anger had suddenly surged into her out of nowhere. it was then followed strangely by fear. She drowned everyone else out, hearing that breathing again.

"Your afraid?" She spoke out. Ben answered:

"Your in a hurry, what are you planning?" Ren sensed her tense up.

"You don't need to know." Rey bluntly said. "Your scared, but of passed things?" she hesitated.

"Whatever your planning it won't work." he was calm but used a cruel voice. "It hasn't worked yet. Snoke, Luke Skywalker-" He stopped then sneered "Han Solo-"

"Murderer!" She felt the lump in her throat. 

"What, you know it to be true you couldn't defeat or save them, its your weakness- affection." he'd hit home and a single tear roller down her cheek. but she gritted her jaw and answered.

"Leave me alone-" but before the anyone could say anymore the connection was severed and she was left standing there in a busy hanger streaming with tears.

Leia was standing by the Falcon getting ready to depart when she noticed Rey just standing there.

Poe had seen it too, he'd barged passed her on his was to his craft where BB8 was being placed in, he had turned around to see her face and a single tear escaping her eye. He just stood there in front of her while she focused on a point out behind him.

Kylo Rens figure disappeared and she saw her surroundings diffuse back into her vision which was blurred over from the tears. Poe was standing directly in front of her with a worried expression. she blinked a few times to dry out the salty droplets on her skin.

"Rey?" he looked concerned. "You look out of it,"

"Yeah, just a thought, its nothing really." she looked down and continued to walk passed him but he grabbed her arm. she tried to break out of it but failed, he was strong.

"Rey-" he said almost sighing as she turned to look at him. he made eye contact before continuing. "Whats wrong?" 

"Kylo Ren, he's angry but when that happens he becomes connected with me and he torments me with Luke Skywalker, he knows my family didn't want me." Poe gave a sympathising look.

"We want you, we can't do this without you. I-" he trailed off. Rey looked at her feet. "Hey," gently as he could he lifted her chin towards him. She looked lost, he could she it in her eyes she had a lot on her shoulders. He dropped his helmet he'd been carrying on the floor and it rolled away. this freed his arms and he wrapped them gently around her, She didn't resist and her head fell limp on his chest. his hand rested on the back of her head. "I've got you." he whispered. she stayed silent but instead wrapped her arms around him. he smiled to himself.

No one had ever showed her this thought. She didn't need it. The General had but this but it was nice to be appreciated and not just seen as the last 'Jedi' She let this moment last. Then the speaker let out the signal for pilots to be in aircraft. They loosened their grip and she looked up at him. 

"Thanks" she said, she meant it. He just smiled and his hands fell from her shoulders as he turned and ran towards his X-Wing. 

Leia smiled to herself.

Rey ran over passed the General. Chewie was loading up the last of the explosives on board. As she passed Leia she was given a raised eyebrow and smile; and intern roller her eyes and carried on making her way up to the cockpit. She sat in the old seat of Han Solo and Chewie came and rested himself next to her making annoyed sounds at the wiring left on the dashboard. The general took up her old seat behind them

"No, idea how this thing is still flying Chewbacca" they all laughed.

"It needs to work one last time eh Chewie," Rey looked over at him with a worried expression.

"What is this thing!" Finns voice echoed as he came walking onto the ship. R2 beeped and Chewie groaned.

"Resident Porg" was the answer that cam casually from Rey.

"Right..." The General Lent in.

"And now we wait for the signal to set off-" Rey sighed sitting back in the seat.

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