The Falcon

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"How would we get the General into a hanger?" Connix looked confused as did most others in the room. Then Leia smiled.

"I have an idea. Where is that Wookie?" Poe looked around at everyone with a questioning face. Finn just looked smug and smiled.

The General walked through the main hanger as fast paced work was going on all around her. The congregation of leadership behind her slowly dispersed as they all were called off to see to making this last plan work. Poe went to check on the repairs with the X-Wings and TIE Fighters, with droids and mechanics managing aircraft left, right and centre. Commander D'Acy and Connix went up to the bridge with C3P0. 

Sparks and brazing light illuminated Chewbaccas face. He was perched on the side of the falcon repairing the gun which he had knocked off on Crait. it had been sheered completely off. 

Leia walked beneath him and was showerd with sparks.

"Chewie!" the familiar grunt filled the hangar. He leaned over the side revealing his face. "I need your help and the Falcon." He grunted again and disappeared but moments later walked out in front of her.

leaning against the ladder that lead to Poes' cockpit, He looked up and started complaining to Poe. Who wasn't really in the mood for listening; upside down with your head where your feet should be with wires everywhere tends to put you in that mood. He resorted to making interested grunts to answer whatever Finn said. Finn eventually got bored and wondered off to find Rose.

Leia walked up the ramp and into the falcon skimming her hands over the various appliances. she remembered all the things that had happened during her early rebel days. She felt as if this was her last trip. She spotted R2D2 in the corner mending yet another broken part on this piece of junk. It reminded her, Han and Chewie on the asteroid in hiding. R2 rotated his head and gave a bleep of joy as he spotted her.

"Yes hello old friend," she sat at the table in the main room of the ship. "I always wanted one last mission as a group but I'll settle for you and Chewie to accompany me."

"I'm with you too." Leia turned her head in hope at the voice she had heard that sentence before. Rey appeared at the top of the ramp she left a trail of sand that was shaking off her clothes as she came and sat down next to her.

"I needed you to say that about half and hour ago ideally." She said rolling her eyes.

"Why?" Rey leaned in closer.

"You missed our last plan meeting, I want you to accompany me to the main Dreadnought to confront Ben one last time." Both women new the underlying text, Leia aimed not to return.

"I need to see Ren too, he has summoned his Knights of Ren." She needed to tell someone this new information. The General slowly nodded her head in acceptance.

"How did you come by this information?"

"He told me. It was as if I was connected to him for just a second. And Luke-" She added in at the end, Leia was the one person she felt comfortable telling this information to.

"I see-"

"Also while I was away I found-" but Beeps cut her off as BB8 entered. "Yes, yes we'll go find him now.." She rolled her eyes and got up. The General looked sad and confused but then smiled as BB8 came in wanting to find Poe.

"Hey Chewie." Rey shouted as she left the falcon and the Wookie behind.

Poe heard Rey shouting. She was back, where had she been? He was in such a rush to see if his droid was with her that he bashed his head on the cockpit and awkwardly sat up to climb out of the fighter.  He saw her talking to Chewie. 

She turned towards the band of parked X-Wings. He had to be over there. Making her way over BB8 surged on ahead looking at all the pilots working on their ships. Poe stood out of the cockpit and jumped down to the floor ruffling his curls as he did so.

They made eye contact.

"Where have you been?" Poe asked as he walked towards her.

"Finding answers." she said disappointingly; her head hung low. 

"Have you heard the plan?"

"Yeah from Leia," gesturing to the falcon behind her.

"Wait. Wheres my droid? I sent him to go find you." He narrowed his eyebrows; and as if on que BB8 was heard rolling over making excited beeps. Poe bent down and smiled at the return of his droid.

"Good to see you too buddy!" Rey smiled at the pair. Poe stood up and looked directly at Rey. She looked at him, nothing was said but an understanding rose between them. Poe looked beyond her eyes she was hiding but also confused.

"You alright?" He raised his arm slightly and hovered around her elbow, he put it down again realising what he was doing. She looked down at the ground, shifting.

"Poe-" but she stopped, looking back up at him. "I need to get Kylo alone in this plan-" Poe nodded unsure. but BB8 bugged his knees almost buckling them. he grinned, and so did Rey. 

"Poe. Poe!" Finn came running over. and the pair shifted, realising they had stepped closer to one another. Rey coughed slightly. Finn noticed Rey. "Where have you been?" 

"Talking to various people."

"Well the General would like everyone in for briefing." He finished and left again.

"Well then-" Poe rubbed his nose and gestured for Rey to follow as they both started walking towards the congregation of people. Rey awkwardly muttered in agreement.

Right so I ship Damerey, I know they have only had a total of 18 seconds of  screen time together but I think this is a good pairing.

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