The Capture

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Right so I have a 2hr train journey and a phone so lets see what I can do.

The stormtroopers attached charges to the Malenium Falcons electrics of the door and ran back crouching and leaning away from the impending blast; moments later the doors were sent cascading everywhere and the officers on alert shielded their faces. Captain Phasma parted the crowd as she marched up to the doors.
"I want a full search of this ship." And she turned on her heels walking off to inform Hux of the security breach. The stormtroopers marched up the ramp, or rather climbed up what was left of it.

The crew on board were leaned up against the wall just out of sight from the main door. Hearing Phasma Finn looked down confused, he had watched her die how was this possible he was sure it was her voice but then again he had seen her ship blown up after she'd landed in the fire. Rey looked over a him to see him suddenly loose a bit of his confidence, Chewie made a small whimpering like noise but she held up her hand to silence him. They were coming on board.
The foot soldiers made the stormtroopers typical clicking sound as they came past going straight for the cockpit. Rey looked over at the general and all the other Resistance fighters poised to attack and fight. She nodded as the last white uniform passed.

This was a stealth attack so no guns or blasters, the crew noiselessly crept up behind them. Muttering on their coms about not finding anything Rey drew out her lightsaber and stood tall ready to ignite the blue light. She swung it upwards turning it on and slashed it down striking the unknowing stormtrooper on the back causing him to grunt and the other turned around. Rey pivoted on her foot and swung round letting go of the saber in one hand bringing it up under her arm to disarm them. Chewie came in from behind and lifted him up by the neck, strangling them but not harming the suit- they needed it. Finn jumped from behind and grabbed the back of one pulling their helmet off causing the neck to crack and they fell limp on the ground. Leia came out from behind pointing a gun another one making a distraction while one of the other Resistance fighters came from behind lifting the helmet. The General fired.

The Resistance fighters came out of their hiding places, Rey and Chewie began taking the armour off the stormtroopers while Finn guided the rest of the fighters. There were a few officers that had come on board as well so they needed those uniforms as well. Chucking the unconscious First Order into the smuggling compartments they stood up. Rey was holding the helmet to a stormtroopers while she had the rest of the suit on, it was a bit big but ti would hide her face well enough. Finn had done the same since the First Order knew his face too. There was a few more stormtroopers and some officers standing around while Leia was at the side bringing herself together. Chewie had been considered to go to the bridge but he had refused after what had happened last time they had done this, he was going to hide on the ship ready to blow it up.  Attaching her coms headset Rey put on the helmet and waited by the door, the General came up next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"May the force be with you Rey." She sensed that Leia was sad but happy at the same time, she could feel that the General didn't expect to come back from this. Finn joined them on the other side of her, he was going to do the talking most of the way up the the bridge.  An officer stood in front of them and two more stormtroopers made a square around Leia.
It was time.
They marched off with blasters in their hands and the General central. The air was cool outside the ship and they saw the group of officers waiting outside the entrance. Finn spoke up
'Sir, we have recovered one individual from the ship. They confessed to being the General of the Resistance." The officer sneered.
"Take her up to the bridge to meet General Hux," he then turned away and said more to himself "I will inform the Supreme Leader." Rey smiled under her helmet: so far so good and they began to wave their way up to the bridge.

Captain Phasma entered the bridge through the hydraulic doors and saw Hux in an at-ease-stance looking out at the battle going on in front of him. "Sir, we have the Malenium Falcon in our main cargo hanger and I have just been informed that the General of the Resistance fighters was on board, she is being brought up to the bridge as we speak." Hux turned.
"Good, has the Supreme Leader been informed?" He inquired holding onto the Os and an evil smile creeping across his face.
"Yes sir. He is also on his way." Hux turned back around to the battle.
"Soon we will crush the Resistance and there will be a new order reigning over the galaxy." He furrowed his brow with the grin still on his face as her watched another X-Wing hit.

Poe dive bombed in his fighter taking out a gunner on a Star-Destroyer, BB8 whirred as they pulled out of the spin.
"Poe keep your distance we're loosing too many X-Wings" Connix looked up her board in front of her seat, she calibrated the ship to pull away a little more.
The larger A-Wings were taking heavy losses but still had the numbers to mass an assault, Poe flipped past one taking my out the TIE Fighter in pursuit but in doing so gain one on his tail, BB8 beeped urgently.
"Yeah yeah I know." Poe glanced behind him but was pinned back in his seat due to the harnessing holding him down. "I have one on me, I can't shake him!" Shouting on the radio, One X-Wing came up behind but was clipped by a blast and spiralled off crashing into a Star-Destroyer. The TIE Fighter in tow targeted the ship and fired, Poe swerved but wasn't sharp enough and his left wing was clipped beyond repair, BB8 couldn't do it while mobile. He needed to land anywhere and not be sucked into the vacuum of space. He looked over to see the Resistance ships a long way off, he wouldn't make it he glanced over at the enemy ships. They were a lot closer-annoyingly. "Commander I'm hit and too far off to make it back!"
"Poe land in one of the Star-Destroyers, we can't lose anyone else." He nodded to himself.
"Good luck Poe," he heard multiple times over the coms varying in voice, was this suicide? Yes probably but he could get out right?
He swerved off to face the ships head on. They opened fire and he used his one good cannon. His steering was way off and it was a wonder he was able to fid the hanger entrance, it was the TIE-Fighter bay that he crashed into he slid across the black shinny floor with no time to put down the landing cycle procedures. BB8 made a squeal and a frightened beep.
"Yeah, hang on buddy!" He looked behind him at the poor droid. His X-Wing came to a halt just before hitting the TIE fighters fuel container, that was lucky, he let the breath escape his lungs. But took it back in again when he saw the small army coming towards him. "Ok BB8, turn off and only switch back on again when they have cleared the area, I will find you." He said before the droid shut off and the cockpit door remains were ripped away and viscous hands yanked his body out of the seat ripping the harness with them, he grunted as they put him on his knees in front of the Officer on duty. The man looked down at him, Poe could see him weighing his options out.
"Take him up to the bridge as well this could be part of some plan the Rebels have." The stormtroopers pulled him up and marched him off to the bridge, it then dawned on him- this was the dreadnought, that Leia, Rey and Finn were on and were going to blow up. Typical.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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