Chapter Six: No Freaking Way

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A delightful smell greeted you when you walked out of your room the next morning. You heard excited whispers as you walked into the kitchen to find Sam cooking bacon. Dean was sitting at the table filling his plate with pancakes, and when he saw you he grinned.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty! I thought you were gonna sleep till lunch!"

You giggled as you sat down next to him. "What's all this about?" you asked, curious as to what all the food was for.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, setting a plate of bacon in the center of the table.

"Well, it's just a lot of food, and not really a lot of people. Is it someone's birthday? Or is someone important coming?" you wondered.

"Oh believe me, Dean can eat enough for all of us." he laughed.

Dean smirked with his mouth full and stuck another bite in, which made you laugh.

"But no, it's nobody's birthday and no one's coming over, unless Cas drops in." Sam told you.

You shrugged. "Okay then."

After your second helping of pancakes, you shoved your plate away and flopped back into the chair.

Dean looked at you, and then your plate. "Done already? We were just getting started!"

"You mean, you're just getting started." Sam corrected.

After all of you were done, you started getting up when Dean stopped you. "Hey, could you stay here for a sec? We have something to talk to you about."

You swallowed hard and sat back down. Did I do something wrong? Are they taking me back after all? A million thoughts swirled through your mind.

"Look," you began. "If it's something I did, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, but I understand if you want to get rid of me." you stared at your hands in your lap and waited.

"Wait, what?"

Sam was the first one to break the silence. "You think we want to get rid of you?"

You looked up. "You weren't going to?"

"Why would we want to do that?" Dean asked incredulously. "We aren't going to get rid of you, we were going to ask you to stay!"

"I- I don't think I understand." you said.

Dean looked at Sam and took a deep breath.

"We wanted to know," Sam began. "If it's okay with you, and we understand if it isn't, but, we were wondering if you wanted to become part of the family."

Your mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Like- like a-"

"Like our little sister." Dean said. "You would officially be a Winchester."

Both boys watched you carefully, waiting for a reply.

All of a sudden, you shrieked, causing Sam to flinch and Dean to fall out of his chair.

"What the f-" Dean yelled, but Sam cut him off. "What's wrong?"

You didn't answer, you were breathing heavily and your eyes were glazed over.

No. Freaking. Way.

"(Y/n)?" Sam said cautiously, stepping towards you.

You burst into tears and jumped up from your seat, tackling the younger brother.

"YES! Yes, yes, a million times yes!" you cried joyfully. You released Sam and pounced on Dean, who had just gotten up from the floor.

"Oh my goodness, why didn't you ask sooner?! I would love to! I've always wanted a family!" you were smiling so big you thought your face would break.

Sam and Dean looked at each other before smiling at your reaction.

"So, those are happy tears, right?" Dean laughed.

"Well duh," you shot back, still grinning from ear to ear.

Sam smirked at your remark. "We'll have to ask Cas if he can find out how this whole shebang works, okay?"

"Fine by me!" you crowed. You were amazed, you were happier than you had ever been before!

It astonished you that you had only met them a few days ago, but you already felt at home. And now, to top it all off, you were going to be their sister! Out of all the other people in the world, you got to have these chuckleheads as your older brothers, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Just a short, sweet chapter I thought up this morning, partly inspired by my breakfast. :p Enjoy!


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