A Place Where You Belong

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_AN:///: November 1, 2018 was my last update so why not sundan diba? And also this one is the first and only shot that I will write down the WHOLE lyrics. Kasi commonly diba most important part ng song lang kinukuha ko, but itong isang to, sobrang feels ko ngayon. Dear someone, you know who you are - I know you are shy to say goodbye, but believe us, you better say it now. Maiintindihan naman namin. This shot is my thank you and farewell work for you, Old Friend. 🙂Enjoy. ❤💛💙_


You're gone!

You're gone!

Bongbong Marcos walked towards the restaurant. Earlier this morning he received a call. The person who called kept her identity hidden but told him to go here, for he will see by his own eyes something that he never wanted to see. Bongbong Marcos, the heir of a fallen business is in a relationship with the Vice President of the Country, Leni Robredo. A lot of people is against their relationship, and most had no care. Leaving only his older sister, Imee, and Leni's bestfriend, Risa Hontiveros to believe in them.

Your body's cold

Last night, he asked her to marry him.

Hope is lost, I can't let go

But she said no. She said that she has a lot of responsibility to carry first before starting to carry a new one.

Can I die with you, So we can never grow old?

He loved her more because of her answer. He thought that she wanted to give him everything without something taking part of it.

Cut the ties (Cut the ties)

He thought that after her term, he should ask her again and she would say yes.

With this note you left behind

But, unfortunately... he was wrong.

As I heed the words I hear you telling me why

And now he is here, standing right in front of the door. He believed a word from an unknown lady.

Too late, too late

Leni is wearing her usual incognito. A man is walking towards her, holding a bouquet of flower.

I never said goodbye

He was astonished at first, but eventually understood what was the 'something he never wanted to see' is.

Too late, too late

They are now hugging each other. The man gave her the bouquet. And she gave the man a peck on lips.

Can't even ask you why

And now it felt to him that the whole world stopped. The woman he treated as his world is smiling in someone else's arms.

And now I'm wasting away, In my own misery

And for once he felt all the emotion on the world. He chose to slowly walk towards them as the two people to whom he was looking was settling down on their chairs.

I hope you've finally gone,

When he made it there, she didn't dared to stood up. Instead, she looked down and avoided to meet his gaze, as if she already knew all the pain that will show on those eyes. He still managed to smiled.

To a place where you belong

He placed the engagement ring he had asked her to wear at the table. And left.

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