Chapter 2

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Monday came at last, and I got to go back to school after spending the weekend sitting awkwardly in a room as Fee Fee and Jake made out next to me. I mean, school sucked, but not as much as that, and that sucked, but not as much as my mom, so it works out in the end kind of. 

My first class was a free period, meaning that I didn’t really have to be at school yet, but I came because I liked hanging out in the art room when it was empty. Also, since it was my senior year, I was taking three separate art classes this semester, as well as a free period. 

Ophelia went to her first class and I went to the art room, almost expecting the whole ‘Gerard-way-is-my-new-art-teacher-thing’ to just be some sort of weird dream. But no, when I walked in I found him sitting at his new desk, that I helped him set up on Friday, with a sketchbook open drawing something. 

When I walked in, he looked up and smiled.

“Hey! Eliza!” He said excitedly, I couldn’t help but smile back,

“Hello Mr. Way,” I say and he chuckles.

“You’re not gonna call me Gerard, are you?” I sigh and shake my head.

“I’m afraid not. It just feels odd calling a teacher by their first name.” He rolls his eyes. 

“Whatever. Come here though. I have something for you.” I walked over slowly and he reached under the desk to pull out a picture frame. “I said I’d make it up to you, so I want you to have this.” 

He handed me the frame. It was sort of long and short. I turned it over to see a messy sketch of the marching picture from the Black Parade album. 

“That’s the original sketch for the album. Obviously it was cleaned up a bit for the actual thing, but I figured you would like it.” I grinned and looked up at him.

“This is awesome, Mr. Way. Thank you so much. You didn’t have to give me thi-” He cut me off before I could finish my thought.

“Yes, I did. I ruined your drawing, and it was a really cool drawing. You deserve it.” I grinned and I really wanted to hug him, but I didn’t. We were at school and he was my teacher, so that would be weird and inappropriate. 

“Well, thank you. so much,” I say, smiling down at the gift. 

I didn’t get much drawing done that period. Me and Mr. Way talked the entire time. Not about anything too personal, but we talked about art and comic books and instruments and stuff like that. He was really cool about everything, and it didn’t really feel like he was my teacher. More like a friend that I could just have random conversations with. 

Eventually, the period ended and we said goodbye. I went to math and when that ended, I went back to the art room for class. Mr. Way was surprised, but seemingly happy when I walked into his room again.

You could tell it was his first time teaching, but he handled the rambunctious children pretty well. Even when one of them made fun of his hair, he just shot back with his own insult/joke thing and that shut the kid up real quick. It was kind of awesome, actually. 

We were working on our finals for the semester, and I had already began on mine. I was painting a portrait of Hayley Williams from the Ain’t it Fun music video. I was working on the shadows on her neck when Mr. Way walked over and grinned at it.

“This is amazing. I cant do realistic things like that.” I smiled back at him.

“Thanks, but I’ve always been jealous of your work.”

The rest of the period went sort of like that. He would come over to me every once in a while and comment on my progress. I went to my English class when fourth period came and then I was back in the art room during lunch and away from Fee Fee and Jake. Normally I would work on my assignment, but I didn’t get anything done. Me and Mr. Way just talked about stuff and looked at each others work. Fifth period went the same as third, but  by the time sixth period rolled around, I had completely forgotten that Ophelia didn’t know about Mr. Way. So I jumped when I heard her scream from across the room.

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