Chapter Twelve

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Hello Internet Goblins,

        The semester is over, I passed my history class, and Chapter Twelve is finally here! I'm sorry for the long wait, and I'm sorry that it's shorter than what I usually write when I write to this thing. But, to make it up to you, I'm uploading both this chapter AND Chapter thirteen! Yay!

        ... And then you'll have to wait some more for Chapter fourteen... Sorry. 

        Anyway, I'll shut up and let you read it!


Eliza’s POV

I laid wrapped in Gerard’s black and grey comforter, the warmth still left over from when he too had been laying under it earlier this morning and last night. We had both slept in his bed last night, not purposefully, but neither of us were complaining about it either. I had been a mess of tears and sobs, and Gerard had been comforting me, and I cried myself to sleep in his arms and he must’ve fallen asleep too. 

Either way, I was woken up by his alarm clock and five thirty this morning, and after countless apologies for waking me up, he had left for work around six twenty. I should have gone with him, but he had informed me that I was suspended for a week and I would have to face detention for a week afterwards. Hopefully, Mr. Lan would make me have detention in the art room again and I would be able to have the wonderful company of my art teacher boyfriend thing that hasn’t even been made official yet. I would have to ask Gee later where our status stood as a couple.

I had also been informed by email that Ophelia’s family wouldn’t press any charges, as well as the fact that I had been fired from the job that I had forgotten about due to overwhelming circumstances and events that had led me to not show up for the last few weeks. This meant that I wasn’t making any money and I was one more step away from paying back what I owed to Gerard. I felt so horrible about making him deal with my problems, and as much as I wanted to be here, I didn’t want to be a burden to Gerard. Even if he says it’s okay and that my presence isn’t bothering him, I cant help but think that he hates having me here. And I don’t want him to hate me. 

So, I sat up in the bed and pulled Gerard’s laptop off of the nightstand in set it in my lap, opening it up and starting up the internet. I spent an hour or so looking for job openings nearby, and there was one at the comic store that I always go to looking to expand their staff numbers. I emailed the people my resume and I was lucky enough to have them email me back, setting up an interview for me tomorrow at three. By the time they emailed me back, it was midday and Gerard wouldn’t be home for at least three more hours, leaving me alone in a house with my own thoughts. 

I decided that I should clean up the house a little to kind of give back some of Gee’s generosity. I started with his rooms, avoiding anything too personal, but picking up the dirty clothes that had been tossed to the ground over some period of time and throwing them in the hamper before deciding that it was pretty full and starting a load of laundry. I moved onto the living room, sweeping the hardwood floor and vacuuming the carpet. I went to wash the dishes, but couldn’t find the dish soap, so I went back to the laundry room and threw the now wet and clean clothes into the dryer. I went back out into the kitchen and wiped down the counters, and I was in the middle of sweeping when I heard the front door open, and Gee’s voice rang out through the house. 

“Eliza, I brought you some hot cocoa.” I felt a grin split across my face as I rushed out to the entryway and found him slipping his off white converse off, two star bucks cups sitting on the small table by the door. 

He looked up at me and grinned before walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist as if we had been this way forever. As if this were normal. As if there weren’t such a big age gap between us. Which was really nice because I needed a little bit of normalcy, even if it were only a false sense. 

And then, as if it were equally as normal, he leaned forward and planted his lips on my own, and I wasted no time kissing him back. The kiss was short and sweet, erupting in a warmth that spread slowly from my lips to the tips of my fingers, and it ended with huge grins on both of our faces. Gee lifted a hand to brush a strand of hair away that had fallen into my face, leaving it to rest on the side of my face afterwards. 

“Lets do something tonight.” Gerard’s eyes were full of excitement, and it took everything in my power to not laugh at how childlike it sounded. “Go to dinner, or a movie, or something. You pick.” I ended up giggling anyway. 

“A movie sounds nice.” I haven’t been to the cinema in years. I never could afford it, and I didn’t really have anyone to take me, so it was just something that didn’t happen. 

His gin widened, and after finishing our Starbucks and a lecture from Gee telling me that I didn’t need to clean up and how I didn’t need to pat him back for anything, we ate and left for a movie. We ended up watching some horror movie about a doll, and as much as I wanted Gerard to believe that I loved horror movies as much as he did, I was not a horror movie kind of gal. I was fine throughout the movie, casting my eyes down and trying not to jump while Gerard just sat and smiled next to me. It wasn’t until about halfway though the movie when the doll fell out of a cupboard and scared the shit out of me that he realized that I might’ve lied a little when I said that I liked scary movies. 

“Do you want to leave?” He had his arm wrapped around my trembling shoulders, and he was whispering into my ear with an amused hint to his hushed voice. 

I shook my head and lied a little again, saying that I was fine, and burying my face in his shoulder when some psycho ghost demon girl showed up. I was fine with gore. I could hander someone getting their guts wrenched out of their stomach, but anything paranormal was too much. 

The rest of the movie consisted of me trying to block the noises and images out of my head by burying it far into Gee’s jacket, and the walk out of the car was full of paranoid glances over my shoulder and Gerard holding me tightly to him in an attempt to comfort me. 

“I feel like such a baby,” I confess in the drive home, trying my hardest not to let on that I was secretly worrying that there was a serial killer in the backseat just waiting to stab us to death. 

Gee just giggled and took a hold of my hand. 

“Oh, don’t worry, you are.” I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder, making him laugh harder as we pulled into his driveway and got out. “It’s okay though. You’re a baby when it comes to scary movies, and I’m a baby when it comes to needles. Everyone’s scared of something.” 

And with that thought on my mind, distracting me from old dolls and ghosts and demon girls, I went to bed with Gee, and fell asleep in his arms. And, for the first time after watching a horror flick, I wasn’t kept awake due to fear. I fell asleep fairly quickly and peacefully because everybody’s scared of something.

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