Chapter Four

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I was walking away from the bookstore downtown with a few new comics and a novel that I had been waiting for to come out. It was raining and cold, and the sweatshirt that I was wearing was getting heavier and heavier with water the further I got away from the bookstore. I was rounding the corner when I saw a familiar little coffee shop that always had the best hot chocolate. Hugging my books to my chest to protect them, I rushed inside. 

I got inside and let the smell of ground coffee and deserts wash over me like a blanket of nice smelling warmth and deliciousness. I took a moment to embrace the warmth and breath in the scent and dig through my bag to find my wallet and make sure that I had enough money to buy a hot chocolate with whipped cream on it. It was my favorite. 

I walked up to the counter and the girl with the nametag that read ‘Stacy’ smiled at me politely. I offered a smile back. 

“What can I get for you?” I smiled back and brushed the dripping hair out of my face. 

“Can I get a hot chocolate with whipped cream please?” She nodded. 

“Of course. Would you like sprinkles on it?” I nodded.

“Yes please. That’s all.” She rung it up and I reached into my wallet to pay, but she stopped me.

“Oh, that man over there paid for your drink, you don’t have to pay,” she said, causing me to look over my shoulder to see a familiar face in a grey hoodie that was a size too big on him smiling at me from his spot at a booth in front of the window at the front of the shop. 

I smiled back at my art teacher and take the drink when it’s handed to me, savoring the warmth that it spreads through my hands. Then I walk over and sit down opposite of Mr. Way.

“Sprinkles?” He asked as I sat down, observing my drink. 

“Yup,” I say, popping the ‘p’ and taking a drink through the little red straw that was given to me. “Thank you for buying it, but you know you can’t keep giving me stuff, right? It’s a little weird.” He just giggled. He fucking giggled. What kind of thirty-six year old man giggles like that?

Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but smile. 

“In my defense,” he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. “You looked cold, and wet, so I figured you could use something  to brighten your day.” He flashed a smile and me and I smiled at him in return.

“Well, thanks again. That was really nice of you.” He nodded, smiling, before glancing down at the short stack of comics that I had set down on the table. 

“Is that Watchmen?” I nod and he doesn’t hesitate to take the comics and start pulling them out of the sleeves to flip through them.

“I was just picking up some of the issues that I was missing,” I say, laughing as he marvels at the books, acting as excited as a five year old on Christmas morning. 

“I love this series! Have you read the Hellboy comics?” 

We sat at that booth for about three hours discussing comic books and trading names of ones that we thought each other would like. By the time we had realized what time it was, I was dry and warm again, and it still pouring down raining outside. Oh, how I loathe thy Seattle weather. 

“Fuck, I’m late for a meeting. I would offer to drive you home, but I cant. I’m sorry.” He was panicking and looking guilty. It made me feel bad, he shouldn’t feel obligated to do things like that for me.

“It’s okay,” I assure him. “I live close by, so it won’t be that long of a walk.” That was a lie. It was a thirty minute walk from here to my house, but I wasn’t going to make him feel worse. 

“At least take my umbrella.” I roll my eyes and except the third gift. This one would be given back to him at school though. 

With that, he got in his car and drove off, and I started walking towards a underground bar thing that always had punk bands playing. It wasn’t until I turned down the alley with the back entrance that I realized that two guys had been following me. I got to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Then I remembered that it was Friday, and they aren’t open on Friday for god knows what reason. 

“Hey girly,” said a sudden, low, scratchy voice, making me jump. 

I turned to see two guys advancing on me. I tried to find an escape route, but I was trapped between them and the back of the alley. I cringed as one of them brushed a lock of my hair from my shoulder. 

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I shout, hoping that someone would hear. Wrong move. The bigger one who looked like he had just been rooming with Oscar the grouch in his lovely little trash can, grabbed the back of my neck and held his hand over my mouth. 

“You shut the fuck up, bitch. Or I swear to god- AHH!” He howled in pain as I bit down on his hand, and I tried to run, but the other, scrawnier one grabbed a hold of my hood and yanked back, choking me and sending me to the ground. 

I was gasping for air when thrash can guy kicked me in the stomach, nearly making me throw up my hot chocolate that I had just drank. One kick to the head was all it took to set me in a daze. I knew what was happening, but I couldn’t do anything thing about it, they were holding me down, choking me, stifling my screams and pleas, and they left me there, a sobbing, bruised, bleeding mess with my jeans pulled down on the cold wet asphalt. 

It took me a while, but eventually, I managed to pull myself together enough to pull my pant back up and get out of there. I walked with my hood up, and my shaking hands in my pockets, and I tried to get home as quickly as I could. Then I stopped myself. I didn’t want to go home. I would just get the same thing there. I couldn’t do that twice.

I saw a liquor store and sighed in relief, anything to help forget what had just happened. I pulled out my fake I.D. and walked inside, grabbing a bottle of vodka and purchasing it. It was quite easy. I think the guy knew I was too young, but he must’ve also seen that I just really needed something, so he let me buy it. 

I drank an entire bottle and a half behind that same liquor store before getting up off the ground and walking home, unknowing of just what was about to happen.


Yay! I finally found my hard drive, so now I can update again! Hooray!!

Sorry for the wait, I'll probably post the next chapter later today, so, yeah. 

That is all.


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