Chapter Five

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“THAT’S FUCKING IT ELIZA MACY RIDDICK!!!” My mom screamed at me after I stumbled into the house at two in the morning drunk as fuck. 

“Yeesh, dont-a-be-so-h-harsh,” I slurred, my words forming together into an unintelligible mess.  “I-um- n-not eventha-at drunk.” Her face was getting redder and redder.

“YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! I KNEW I SHOULD’VE JUST GIVEN YOU UP WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!!!” Her voice never lowered. Even in my drunken stage, the words struck my heart. 

She stepped towards me and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

“You’re never to come back to this fucking house again, you hear me?” her voice suddenly turned into a menacing whisper. Then, she shoved me out of the door that I had left open.

I hit the pavement hard, my shoulder scraping against the rough cement of the walkway that lead away from my house, tearing through my shirt. I gasped in pain as my head slammed down.

“I BETTER NEVER SEE YOU HERE AGAIN, YOU WHORE!!!” I heard her scream at me, and a few seconds later I heard my backpack land next to me and the door slam.

I groaned and rolled over onto my back, my dizzy mind starting to sober up as I realized what had just happened. I just got kicked out of my house, I don’t have anywhere to go, and its two in the morning in Seattle. Fuck.

Ophelia’s house was too far for me to walk, and Seattle wasn’t the best place for a teenage girl to be walking around in the middle of the night. The mangled mess of plastic that I had landed on in my pocket told me that calling someone was not an option.

I sat up slowly and looked around, the tears finally building up behind my eyes. I was alone. Suddenly, the warm glow of the streetlight seemed to cast icy shadows over everything, and the cool night breeze made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight.

Standing up, I decided I should probably get out of there, so I started stumbling down the eerie street, trying my best to stay out of the shadows that could be hiding who knows what. The tears started pouring down my cheeks after about ten minutes of walking, and I couldn’t stop them. 

I was alone and drunk and it was dark and I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering to the thoughts of murder, druggies, rape, guns, muggers. There were noises coming from the shadows. I couldn’t call Ophelia, and I didn’t have anywhere to go. I felt like a scared, pathetic little girl. I guess I was though.

A sudden noise, louder than the rest, made me freeze. It sounded like footsteps. They were behind me, and their quick pace was heading right towards me.

I broke out into a full on sprint, and I could hear whoever it was curse loudly and take off after me. They were shouting at me, but I didn’t want to hear what they were yelling. I just wanted to go home and beg my mother for forgiveness and curl up on to my ratty old mattress that I never thought that Id miss so much.

The person was getting closer. I could hear as the footsteps got clearer. Their voice grew louder and clearer as well.

“Eliza!! STOP!!”

My eyes widened, and I turned my head to confirm what I was hearing was true. I didn’t see the recycling bins in front of me, and I tripped. My shin hit the corner of the plastic box and I was sent flying headfirst into the sidewalk.

My head hit the ground for the second time tonight, but harder, sending a jolt of searing pain throughout my body. My bare arms scraped the rough surface, and my hip bone crashed into the cement. 

Groaning, I rolled onto my back once more and looked up to meet a familiar pair of hazel eyes, full of concern and worry.

“Shit Eliza, are you alright?” he asked, crouching down next to me and examining my wounds.

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