Chapter Thirteen

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Hello Internet Goblins,

        Just a WARNING to tell you that this chapter gets a little sexy. I, personally, dont think that it gets too detailed, but I thought I should warn you anyway, just in case. It's deffinately nowhere close to being half as bad as the most dirty thing on Wattpad, and it mainly is just the feelings and stuff leading up to it. So, dont hesitate too much, and dont be dissapointed if it wasnt what you wanted it to be.

Read on!


Sometimes, all you need is someone who can listen. Even if they don’t get it, and they don’t understand what you’re telling them, as long as they’ll at least pretend to listen. Sometimes you just need someone to vent to, and sometimes, that someone happens to be your dead ex-girlfriend. And other times, that someone happens to be a man who’s twice your age, a famous rock star, and your art teacher who you just so happen to be falling for. 

This was not one of those times. 

“So if I put this down, and I turn this, I can attack you, right?” My question emitted another frustrated growl from Gerard, signaling that my question was stupid and I was just being an idiot.

“No,” he groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “You can’t summon that in because you don’t have enough manna, and you wouldn’t be able to attack because it has summoning sickness.” 

Gerard was trying his hardest to teach me how to play Magic the Gathering, and I could tell he was about ready to give up on the idea of being able to play it with me without me getting everything wrong. It was just too complicated for me apparently.

“Can’t we just play UNO or something easy?” I ask, groaning and leaning back into the couch, pouting at Gerard. 

He sighed and threw his hand of cards down onto the coffee table, leaning back with me, looking defeated.

“This is hopeless, isn’t it?” I nod, leaning into him and resting my head on his chest. “Okay, I guess we can stop.” 

“I’m sorry I’m incompetent when it comes to nerd games.” I smile innocently up at him and lift my head enough to plant a soft kiss on his chin at an awkward angle. 

He chuckles and lifts me so that he can kiss me properly, laying me across his lap and resting his forehead against mine. 

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” 

He kisses me again, but this time it’s different. Every kiss that we had shared before this one was cute and innocent. Well, as innocent as a kiss between a student and her teacher can get. But they were quick, sweet kisses that made my stomach flutter and made me feel warm all over. This kiss, however, was different. 

It started like every other kiss, but instead of making my heart flutter and my stomach flop, it made my heart race, and the warmth was more of a fire. His hands gripped my hips a little tighter, and his lips moved against mine at a quicker, rougher, hungrier pace. And it felt different, but a good kind of different. A passionate kind of different.

And then his hands moved away from my hips, and the fabric separating them from my skin was gone as one of his hands went beneath my shirt, burning a hole in my lower back, and his other hand slipped up my shirt and came to rest on my ribs, almost as if it was scared to move any further upwards. 

And all of a sudden, I found my hands in his hair, one tangled in the bleached mess near the top of his head and the other toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. And the kiss got deeper, and his tongue slipped across my bottom lip and then into my mouth, and mine went into his, and my face grew hotter, and his grip grew tighter. 

And then my hands were unbuttoning his shirt, fumbling with the buttons as if they had never encountered such a thing in all of their existence. And then they were pushing his shirt off of his body, and then they were pressed against his chest. And I could feel his heart beat faster beneath my hands.

And then I wasn’t laying across his lap anymore, and I had one leg on either side of him, and both of his hands were pushing his t-shirt off of my body. And all of a sudden we were both shirtless, and his hands gripped me tighter, and our lips that had been apart were reunited, and the kiss grew more heated, and my hands were back in his hair. 

And then his hands moved higher, and the only piece of clothing left on my upper body was gone. And all of a sudden, I was no longer on top, and Gerard was straddling me. And my hands moved to his chest. And his lips left mine, and I needed something to hold onto so my hands moved to his waist, curling around it, and he was lucky I kept my fingernails short because I would’ve drawn blood by now. 

And my breathing grew heavier and my eyes closed shut and his lips were hot on my collarbone and my grip grew tighter and my heart raced faster and his hands moved faster and the air between us grew hotter. 

And it happened so quickly. 

And all of a sudden, we were both collapsing on the couch, and our breathing was heavy, and our hearts were racing, and our bodies were covered in each other’s sweat, and my back was against his chest, and his lips were planting sweet, burning, tired kisses on the back of my neck and my shoulder. 

And he pulled the throw blanket off of the back of the couch and wrapped it around us, and our legs were entangled in each other’s, and we were both either too tired or too lazy to go sleep in an actual bed. 

And when I woke up the next morning, I was cold, and Gerard was gone. And the clock read ten o’clock, so I knew Gerard was at work, and I wished that I wasn’t suspended because right now, I wanted to be with him. But I would have to make due with the note on the coffee table that told me that he didn’t want to wake me up, and that he didn’t want to leave me, but he had to go to work, promising to bring me hot chocolate and new comic books when he came back. 

And I looked around, and the living room was still a mess, and our clothes were piled on the floor next to the couch, and I was still naked, and our unfinished game of Magic was still set out on the coffee table, and I laughed. 

Because it causes me to wonder just how an innocent game of cards turned into a random fit of sex on my art teacher’s couch. And how is it that we’re getting away with something that is so illegal? And how is it that this thing between us and these feelings that are supposed to be wrong, feel and felt so right? Because right now, I’m beginning to question who is really wrong here. And I’m starting to think that it’s not me and Gerard because whatever had happened between us last night was way too right to be seen as wrong in anyone’s eyes. 


Heaven Help Us (MCR/Gerard Way Fan-Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon