chapter 8

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So we were walking down the street, all of us, when I spotted Wu Chang AKA Shiota Kayano riding down the street on a bright electric blue motorbike.

"Isn't that Wu Chang from the black organization," I asked. Everyone looked in that direction. "Looks like it," Takagi agreed.

Sato, Takagi, Chiba, Ran, Kazuha, and I followed her as quickly as we possibly could, leading us to the mall, and into the parking lot.

There was a man by himself not far away. He was throwing something in the trash, and as he was about to head back inside, WuChang shot at him with a moose dart, and he fainted. We were the only witnesses, and watched in horror as she fed him a pill and water to wash it down with.

We were behind her, patiently, and the person started to shake. Kazuha was the first to realize that the person who just took the pill was Heiji.

I blocked her path. "What was that?"

She smiled at me. "Apotoxin 4869, why, do you want some?"
I rolled my eyes. "Why did you give Heiji Apotoxin?"
She giggled like a little girl and gave me a hair-flip. "I like to shrink hot guys and see what they would look like as little kids."

Ignoring that completely and utterly disturbing comment(I mean, who finds HEIJI hot?)…"But don't the effects also have the chance of killing a person?"
"Well, further research was done and found that it actually killing anyone only works with animals. In regards to humans, well, things that happened to Kudo and Miyano and Kuroba and Hattori go through. Sayonara!"

She hair-flipped again and dashed back to her motorbike and rode off, with Ran and Takagi and Sato chasing after her. Meanwhile, I was thinking of how to process all that went on for my new chapter, and Chiba and Kazuha were aiding Heiji.

So as not to arouse any suspicion or wandering eyes from innocent bystanders, we went into a more discreet location for Heiji to flip out and scream in pain and agony.

When Heiji awoke, it didn't take long for Kazuha to squeal and squeeze him. "What's going on, Kazuha? You're bigger than me, much bigger than me." He looked down. "AND MY CLOTHES, they're huge!"
It didn't take long for him to put two and two together to figure out that he shrunk, and that greatly disappointed him.

I chuckled. "Well, in the end, you kinda deserved it."

They returned from their unsuccessful pursuit of Wu Chang and her motorbike, and we all went into the mall to break the news to Sonoko and Kaito.

Sonoko burst out laughing. "That's hilarious! How ironic is that?! The person who picked on Shinichi because of his size is now the same size! Taste your own medicine!"

Kaito too was unable to control himself. Although he said nothing because they both had the same fate, he was holding his sides, and eventually started complaining that his face had begun to hurt.

Since they had bought Kaito three pairs of clothes, they gave one of the outfits to Heiji, who was anything but happy about his situation.

"We should probably tell the others at the agency about this," Sato suggested.

I shrugged. "I think we should surprise them. I kinda wanna see how they would all react to it."

Chiba spoke up. "This is getting really serious. There's an organization out there that we can't defeat with Kudo and that scientist-what's-her-face held hostage in an unknown location, and a pervert who likes to go around shrinking guys she finds attractive. We need to contact the higher-ups."

I had a spark of inspiration, and pulled out my phone. "I know someone to call," I said, searching through my contacts. I pressed the call button and began to speak. "Moshi-moshi, yes, it is. I know this is a really bad time, but I need your help with something. Yeah. How did you guess? Oh, right. It's that obvious, huh? As expected from you, but did you know that…man, you're no fun. I don't get to surprise you. But I'm sure you weren't expecting this: I have someone I need you to bring with you. Yeah, same name as you. How funny is that? Can you meet us in front of the agency, with my friend? Arigatou, Sayonara."

I hung up and turned to face a bunch of blank expressions. "Who was that," asked Takagi.

"Oh, someone you all should now relatively well, and one of my fanfic readers."
"What do you mean?"
"I hope this is the last time I explain this, but we're all in a fanfiction right now, my fanfiction, and what I say goes. Someone who happens to be reading this fanfiction won a contest I held to see who could guess my favourite song, and now he gets to be a guest of honour for this specific chunk."


We walked in silence, until we reached the agency. Ran, Kazuha, and Chiba went inside with Heiji to introduce everyone to chibi-Heiji, while Sato, Takagi and I waited patiently for my mysterious acquaintances to arrive.

A big truck parked in front of us, and first came a boy, about Masumi Sera's height, with dark brown hair and freaky-deaky red eyes (don't judge, it happens). Behind him was a man with a hat, a jacket, black, curly-ish-wavy-ish hair, a somewhat scarred face, and green eyes.

They all stared in disbelief. "Sato, Takagi," I introduced, first gesturing to the boy, then to the man. "This is Shuichi Akai, or as I like to call him 'S.A'. He's reading my fanfiction, and this is the not-dead Shuichi Akai, who faked his death using a corpse that had been randomly lying around to take the bullets and stuff."

After about a bazillion questions from the two officers, we headed up the stairs, and got about a bazillion more questions from the people upstairs.

After that was all done, Ms. Jodie, Mr. Black, Sera, and all those FBI-CIA-Interpol agents were pulled in, and we were set to go.

"This is so thrilling," I squealed.

We actually had to file into multiple cars, leaving the Detective Boys, chibi-Heijji and chibi-Kaito under the care of Agasa, and they all watched anime on my computer. I can't say what anime they watched, but I know they watched something, probably Detective Conan.

It only took about twenty minutes before Agasa called. He sounded distressed. "Kaito used his hang-glider to escape; he spoke a lot about leaving us and helping you guys out, but I didn't think he actually would."
"Why does this not surprise me?"
"This is what worries me more. I called him, and instead I got Shiota Kayano."

"I hate that woman. What did she have to say?"

"She said 'I'll be taking cute little Kaito here, and if you wanna see him ever, you should give me Pandora. 16 o'clock sounds good, doesn't it?' I asked where to meet her, and she gave me an address."

"What did you do then?"

"Well, I don't have Pandora, so I can't do anything yet."

I thought about where Pandora could be. "I don't know where it is." I covered the phone and asked Sonoko. "Do you know what Kaito did with Pandora?"

"Yeah, I took it from him. Why?"

"Well, do you have it on you?"

"Of course, it makes for a good fashion accessory. Don't even think about taking-"

"Would you do it if I told you it was Kaito's ransom?"


Damn son

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