New Generation

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You grit your teeth, groaning in pain as you squeezed his hand. "You're doing great, (Y/n)! Keep pushing!!" The woman shouted in encouragement in front of you. You panted in a rhythm with the giant man on the other side of the bed, Fallon, releasing a breathless laugh at his facial expressions. "Phillip, WHERE IS THE HOT WATER?!" You hear a crash as the said man climbed upstairs and burst in with a bucket and cloth. "Here!! HERE! Here it is!!" he sets down the bucket, other hand covers his eyes. "What's the matter? You get to see the miracle of birth!" Fallon cackled at the blonde trip over his feet. "Shut up! Ugh.. I'm getting dizzy.." Your groaning caught their attention. "Fallon.. FUNNY FACES!!" "Huh? Oh! Sorry! HE HEE HOO.." You grit your teeth again, trying to fight the unbearable contractions. "(Y/n).. My Moon.. I'm here, keep pushing darling!" You shut your eyes tightly, feeling a kiss on your forehead as you contract again. "The head!! I see the head! Good job, (Y/n)!" Professor Willards voice ring through your ears, your mind suddenly wandering and emotional. How does something grow like this inside you!!? Why!? 'God damn, its all Yuliys fault!! "In heat', he says!! Look at me you, jerk!' You feel Yuliys head nuzzle the crook of your neck in worry, his hand gripping yours tighter as he held back his sniffles. Who can get angry at him..? "One more push!!"



It felt like the air you breathe was taken out of your lungs. Tears suddenly fall from your face as you hear a babys cry. "It's a girl.." Dorthea wiped her forehead with a clean cloth the professor handed her. Both Fallon and Phillp look in awe as Dorthea gets up and walks to you with care. You can feel a pleasant bubble of happiness as she hands you your baby. "Oh.. My baby!" You giggled tiredly as she stopped her crying, cooing as you held her closer. "I'm.. a father...!" Yuliy whispers in excitement, leaning closer. He put his finger in her tiny hand, sniffing as she tries to squeeze it. You held her out for Yuliy to take. "Here, my love. Hold your baby girl." Yuliys tears fell more as he takes her and cradles her tenderly. "Hello, my little one.." You lean back in the pillow tiredly, body covered in sweat. You laughed at the other two men looking in awe. Turning your head, you notice professor Willard trying to tip toe out. "Oh, no you don't!" Your call causing him to flinch. "Grandpa has to hold the baby too." He whirled around, his serious expression turns to shock. "Wha? I don't-" Dorthea laughed wiping tears from her eyes. Yuliy kissed your head again before standing, walking to him. Willard hesitated, trying to figure out what the best way to hold before sighing in relief as the baby was in his arms, content and asleep. Fallon hands were put up in excitement, like a excited fluffy bear. "Can.. Can I hold her too?" Phillip pushed Fallon away. "No I want to first!" Dorthea put her hands on her hips."Where are your manners; its ladies first!" A stern 'Hush' from the professor silenced them. "Quiet! Can't you see she's sleeping?!" You laughed tiredly at the touching scene unfolding. Yuliy returns to your side, chuckling. "(Y/n). How are you feeling, love?" You sighed, wincing as he helps you sit up. "It feels like I got hit by a train.. twice. But I'm very happy." Yuliy smiled and pecked your lips as you ran your hand through his hair. "I agree. I am very happy too.." You hummed, your foreheads touch and eyes filled with love as snow begins to fall outside in the cold, full moon night.

"Hey! Is that a wolf tail!?!"

The new generation of Sirius.

"Our Tuya...
Our Ray of Light."

Thanks for Reading!

(Tuya, from what I looked up is Mongolian for ray of light. Then again.. I looked it up.. if someone can tell me what culture Yuliy is from I couldn't guess for sure.)

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