His New Test

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He jumps up in alarm at her cry, running and  knocking down the chair Fallon built for them for their cabin. In the small nursery, he picks up the bundle and rocks his body. "Shhh. I'm here, daddy's here, Tuya." He paced back and forth for 20 minutes, relaxing as his baby seized crying. Her icy blue eyes stared into his in curiosity. Yuliy picked up the knocked over chair and sat down, leaning his head back. His hair splayed on his face as he thought of you. You were still in the hospital, but you shooed him away. 'Its just a checkup! Come now! Why don't you take the baby home?' Why? Without you? Just him thinking about it again makes him worry even more. His father's close friend mention to him, when you were 9 months pregnant, that Yuliy mother had a very difficult time recovering when his older brother was born. Is that why you were in and out of the hospital? He swore on his life he would protect you and Tuya. But why does he feel so helpless? He jumped as she started to cry, harder this time. "Oh, no no darling! Don't cry! Hungry.. are you hungry?" He stood up and quickly went to the fridge, emergency milk given by you. "Aahh she's not drinking!" Panicking, he picked up the phone with one hand and dialed, bouncing the crying Tuya in the other arm. "Yuliy?" Dorthea answered. He sighs in relief at your voice in the background. "Hold on.." a brief pause before your voice answers. "Yuliy! What's wrong dear?" He lightens up at the sound of your voice. "(Y/n)! Are you ok? Why do you sound so weak?!" He hears a breathless laugh. "Its just the medicine, Yuliy! Now did you warm the milk first?" He blinked in realization, hurrying to the stove as Tuya still cried. Warming up the milk, he holds the bottle to her. He laughs in relief as she began to drink. "Shes drinking!" He exclaimed wiping the tears from her cheeks. You hummed happily. "I'm so sorry, Yuliy.. I'll be home soon I promise." He shook his head. "It's ok! Please just focus on getting better. I cant wait to see you again." He hears Dorothea saying the doctor is waiting. "Yuliy.. I love you." He slumped his shoulders, pressing his forehead to Tuyas. "I love you too.."

The next day came so fast, snow still on the ground as a car pulled up to the large cabin. "Aachoo!" Phillip sniffed getting out of the car and  reaching the cabin. Fallon laughed and knocked on the door. "What's the matter small fry?" Phillip slapped his arm in embarrassment. "Shut up!" Professor Willard reached them as the door opened. "Hey! Yuliy and Tuya- woah.." Fallon trailed off after looking at Yuliy. "You look dead.. You sure you aren't a vampire?" The said man slumps his shoulders and squints at Philip, Tuya giggling in his arm. Yuliy steps to the side to allow them in. "Very funny. Let's see YOU handle a baby." Willard takes Tuya gently from the exhausted Yuliy and bounces her. "You do have dark circles under your eyes. (Y/n) thought you could use company." Yuliy flopped on the couch and smiled softly at your name. Willard joined him on the couch as Fallon went to the kitchen. "Dont worry! I'll make you my hearty potato soup to give you energy!" Yuliy caressed Tuyas forehead as she slumbers. "Thank you Fallon.. Thank you guys. Willard hides his smile at a yawn from Yuliy. "We are a pack, remember?" Yuliy nods as Fallon and Phillip begin to fight again.

Yes. We are family..

Thanks for reading!

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