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You hummed softly as you made another stitch through the white fabric. It was peaceful, the snow outside the cabin fell softly outside. Blinking, you heard a giggle from behind the opposite couch. Smiling, you set your work aside, and stood. "Where are you, you little goofball?" You sneaked around the corner before jumping. "Gotcha-? Hmmmm.." You started back at a empty space behind the couch. 'A fast one, she is..' probably got it from him. Another surpessed giggle sound from under the blanket you're working on. Grinning you tip toe slowly before pulling up the cover and picking up the little girl. "Ahaaa!!" You laughed as you tickled her tummy. "Mama!! Ahahaha!! That tickles! I give!!" You set her down gently, picking up the cape. "Mama? Is it done??" You shook your head, running a hand through her black hair. "No, not yet." Her icy blue eyes bore into yours for a moment before bouncing up and down. "Can I go hunting now? Pleeeaaase!?" You sighed and sat down, leaning into the chair. "No, dear.. Perhaps when your older. Your father will be home soon so please pick up your toys from the door. We dont want daddy to slip again." Both of you held a laugh the memory, Yuliys eyes was wide and mouth agape as he slipped on Tuyas doll. She then sighs and plops on the floor, trying to cross her tiny arms. "And pouting will get you no where!" Both of you jump as the door opened, a chill coming in before a familiar face poked in with a grin. "I'm home!" You smiled softly at Tuyas icy eyes brighten up as she runs in his heavy coated arms. "Daddy!" He laughs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. He removes his coat as she shifted onto his back. You closed your eyes as a cold but soft lips were pressed onto your. "Welcome back. I'll get dinner ready." You got up, rolling up your sleeves as Yuliy sets down his daughter on the couch. "Daddy, Daddy! Can you tell me your stories again?" He chuckles as he removes his coat and gloves. "Of course my little pup- WOAH!"

"Mama! Daddy tripped on my toys again!!!"

~A couple of years later~

A car pulled up a cabin in the snowy woods. The door swung open, a 12 year old black haired, blue eyed girl ran out in the snow in excitement. "Tuya!! Jacket!" "Oops!" She turned at her mother's call, ran back inside and came out again. This time with a jacket. "Fallon!!!" The said man came out of the car and gave the girl a bear hug. "Tuya!" Phillip also came out along with Dorthea and Professor Willard. "Guys!" You and Yuliy waved as you came out with a shaw around  your shoulders. "Philip!? Have you gotten taller?" He playfully glares at you, patting Tuya on the head. "Shut it you!" Dorthea hugged Tuya before whispering in her ear. "I hear hes got a girlfriend!" Tuya whispered back. "I'd never thought I'd see the day-" "I CAN HEAR YOU!" Tuya laughed and skipped away, hugging Professor Willard as he kissed the top of her head. Your eyes lighten up with a old flame at the box Fallon is carrying. "Come on in you guys! I want to see the goods!"


Tuya eyes sparkle every time something came out of the goody box. You were in the kitchen preparing some snacks, looking through the opening at everyone in the living room. "Woow.." Fallon sets a shot gun in Tuyas hands. "This beauty is old but saved Phillip's behind many times." Phillip made a noise and drank his juice."Shut up!" Tuya groaned at her father taking it out of her hands. "That's enough about weapons." Dorthea walked up and digged in the box. "Well that's all good! I wanted to show you the stuff we got when we went to Africa anyway!" Tuya gasped at a tribal mask, brightly colored and fearsome. "The tribe we went to made this by hand just for us for saving their village from rogue vampires." Yuliy shook his head in disappointment. "They're still some causing trouble here and there.." Professor Willard explains, thanking you when you handed him a cup of tea. "Certain locations are a hotspot. They don't care about the treaty you made years ago Yuliy, they want carnage and blood." Tuya looks up at her father before shaking her head. "No way! Dad did that!?" You smiled and brought a tray of snacks to the living room table. "Yes, long story short, your father was able to find a cure for a deadly virus among vampires and bring many creatures together for peace." Yuliy waved his hand, a blush creeping on his face. "Oh it wasn't all me.." Dorthea sighed and sat down. "Thank goodness its sealed away for good!" Tuya stood up and crossed her arms with pride. "I want to be a explorer too! A Jaeger!" Yuliy sipped his tea, before looking at Tuya sternly. "Absolutely not. It's too dangerous." Tuya gripped her fist in frustration. 'Urgh! Hes always like this!' "But why!? Mom was too! So why can't I be one? I can do it-!" A look from you caused her to trail off. "Mind your father Tuya." She sat down and growled like a small puppy. "Ahahaha! Sounds like a rebellion!" Tuya looked down as Fallon laughs, anger suddenly rising as they all continued to chat. "You guys don't think I can do anything, do you?" Everything went silent in the room. "Now Tuya you know that's not true." You wagged your finger at her. "No.. Dad doesn't either! You NEVER thought I could!!" Yuliy and Tuya stood at the same time face to face. "Tuya, that's enough. Do not make us repeat myself. Go to your room to calm down: NOW." Tuya looks down in shame and anger. "I hate you.." she whispers and runs to her room. "Tuya!!" You yelled out to her, sighing as she slams her door. "Oh dear.." Professer Willard pats the solem Yuliy on the back. "She's just saying things because she's upset. She will calm down." Yuliy sighed heavily, nodded and sat down.


Night fell as the gang decided to stay over until morning. "We're so sorry for the intrusion!" Fallon jumped on the couch of the guest room. Yuliy laughed and pulled out a floor bed. "Its no trouble at all! You're always welcome." Philip patted his stomach. "God I'm full!" Dorthea rolled her eyes at him. "Such manners and you have a girlfriend.." You laughed and walked out. "I'm going to check on Tuya." Fallon waves with a deck of cards. "Tell her to come back! We got cards to play!" Yuliy looks down suddenly in thought. "I hope I wasn't too strict.." Dorthea crossed her arms. "Its how young girls are. She is going to be heading into her teens soon. You have to be strict and soft at the same time or she won't learn." He hummed and nodded. Suddenly, he hears frantic footsteps run down the hall, your tear stained face causing Yuilys heart to drop.


Thanks for reading!

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