Cabin Warzone

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"So how are you feeling hon?" You smiled happily as Dorthea drove up the winding road. "Fantastic! Thank you so much for this by the way.." She winked at you. "Of course! You know how many times you had my back, in and out of the battlefield. Besides, we are family!" You giggled before placing your hand on your stomach. Speaking of family, you were excited to see Yuliy and your baby Tuya. God you hoped she didn't grow too much while you were away. This last 3 weeks were hell for you. Your body was having a difficult time recovering.. "Thank God for the doctors these days.. Can you imagine the fuss a human hospital would have if you walked in!?" You laughed at Dortheas facial expression. "Oh I dont even want to know.." When you and Yuliy found out, Professor Willard knew exactly what to do. Having a baby werewolf would cause panic in the masses and would put you all in danger. So he sent you to a 'Specialized Hospital'. One that can handle many things you'd still never thought existed. You shook your head to rid of the bad thought of danger, eyes lighting up as your cabin came to view. "We are here!" You staggered out of the car in a hurry once she parked. You suddenly perked up,  noticing the quiet atmosphere. Dorthea must have sensed it too as she put a hand on a gun strapped to her waist. You stomach began to drop, fear of everyone's safety. "Dorthea..?" She held your hand as you both went to the front door. "It'll be ok.." She then opens the door with your key and peeks inside. "Phillip!" The said man groaned face down on the floor. As she knelt down and turned him over you noticed he's asleep. Dorthea breathed in air and shouted.


He sat up abruptly, eyes widen as he held up one. You held a hand over your mouth to hide your giggles. "Dorthea..? (Y/n)...? Damn what day is it?" Both you and Dorthea look at each other, shaking your heads. "Its Tuesday.." Looking around, you didn't see the others. "Philly, where is the others?" He jabbed his thumb to the nursery, rubbing his eyes. "In there..." Hugging him and thanking him, you stepped over turnt over furniture and debris. You leaned against the doorway, grinning at the three exhausted men and wide awake Tuya pulling on daddy's hair. Fallon snored on the floor as Yuliy was leaning back on the rocking chair, eyes closed. Professor Willard was sitting down on the floor and leaned on the crib. He too was asleep, arms crossed as he mumbled something about a bottle. Dorthea entered with you and shook her head. "Damn.. what'd we miss?" Your eyes glisten with happiness as Tuya cooed, her tiny hands reached up and pulled Yuliys lip. You sneaked around Willard and picked up Tuya. Leaning down, you kissed Yuliy on the forehead. 'I'm home.'


"Its no surprise that she has Yuliys eyes and hair color." You pouted as you looked at Dorthea from the kitchen. Tuya was making a spit bubble causing Dorthea to laugh. "But she doesn't have any of my features!" You pointed out as you prepared dinner. Dorthea hummed as Tuya whined for her bottle. You threw one at Dortheas raised hand. Catching it with ease, she feeds her. "She has your stubbornness. Been trying to get this kid to sleep and she wont budge." You stuck out a tongue at her before both of you hear a bang from the nursery. "Yuliy... what's wrong? And wheres..? Hey!" Fallons voice sounds as footsteps banging on the floor, door flung open and Yuliy ran into the living room. "My goodness, you look like YOU got hit by a train." Dorthea exclaimed looking at his dark circles. You smiled softly as you removed the pot of soup from the stove. "Oh Yuliy.." You squeaked at him running to you and giving you a hug. "(Y/n)!! Thank God you're alright!" He frantically looked all around you. "Are you? You've lost weight.. And you look so tired!" You look to him in disbelief as you wrap your arms around him. "I should be saying that about you!!" He held your cheeks and presses his forehead on yours. "I was so worried.." he sighed and closed his eyes. Tears begin to form as you sighed in content. "Oh Yuliy.." "Hey! I smell food!!" Fallon entered with his hair wild and everywhere clapped his hands. Phillip slapped him on his back. "Learn to read the mood you idiot!" You both step away and looked at them. Grinning, you kissed Yuliy on the cheek went back to work in the kitchen. "Almost done, guys!"

'Finally home!'

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