I Got It

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'Crying? I hear crying.. oh right.. I'm a mom. ' You groaned and wake up, Tuyas crying getting louder. "Do you have it, (Y/n)?" Yuliys groggy voice sounds next to you, arm on your waist. You nod and slip from his embrace and get out of bed. "I got this.. ah, cold." Wrapping a robe around you, your bare feet slides on the floor as you make it to the nursery. "Oh my Tuya.." You cooed as you picked her up and rock her crying form. Going to the fridge to pick up a bottle, you hold it to her as she takes and drinks. There was no way you could breast feed this child. It turned out that she needed three times more milk than a human. She could suck you dry, and you could of sworn you saw tiny teeth. You noticed shes not drinking and is now staring you. "What beautiful eyes you have, just like your father." Tuya puts her hand in her mouth and sucks. "You have milk silly, are you not hungry anymore?" She burps, slightly spitting up on you. "Ookay."


Morning light came, shining throughout the forest and on the cabin. You hummed as you cooked breakfast, occasionally looking to make sure Tuya was alright in her baby swing. You sighed as she put her hand in her mouth again. You hear noises from the bedroom. 'Yuliys awake.' You smile at arms wrap around your waist, head in your neck.  "Good morning." You laughed and hold a plate with ham, eggs and toast up for him to take. You felt a kiss on you cheek as he releases you, setting down his plate and goes to his daughter. "Good morning, Tuya!" He picks her up, and goes to the table. "(Y/n), you were up all night weren't you? You could of woken me." You sat down across from him and began to eat. "No! It's fine!" You both jump at Tuya spits up on Yuliy. "OOKAY."


You rock your body back and forth, Tuya in your arms as you look outside at your mate cutting down logs for firewood. Phone cradled between your head and shoulders you hum in understanding.  "So it's normal. She just seemed to throw up alot recently." You whisper to the person on the line, careful not to wake your baby. "I believe sooner or later she will start eating solids at a early age. You doing ok?" Professor Willard explains. You nodded again. "I got this! Thank you so much Grandpa Willard!" You hear a sigh before a chuckle. "You're welcome." You froze as Tuya shifts then relax as she sneezed and continued to snooze. "Phew! Well, I hope you and the others can come over again soon! Talk to you later, bye!" You hung up after he says goodbye. The door opens as Yuliy comes in, shivering. "All done!" Yuliy comes to you and gave you a kiss. "Go take a hot bath, Yuliy." He smiles lightly and nodded, removing his scarf and gloves. Stripping down, he holds his arms out. "Can we together?" You giggled, Tuya waking up just in time for her bath. "We can.."


"(Y/n).." You stopped washing Tuya and looked up at Yuliy behind you, both bare in the bathtub. "Yes, dear?" He lays his chin on your shoulder, taking a hand of water and washes Tuyas hair. "She has your nose and lips." You shook your head. "You heard what me and Dorthea were talking about before?" Yuliy nods, putting his finger in Tuyas tiny hand. You can feel a wide smile on his face as she sneezed. "Well at least its something! Hey, so I talked to Grandpa Willard today about Tuya spitting up." Yuliy caressed up and down your arms waiting for you to continue. "It is supposedly normal for her. He also said that she'll start to eat solids early." He hums as you began to kiss Tuya on her forehead. "Squeaky clean! Now it's time to get ready for bed!!" Yuliy chuckled and helps you up out of the large bath.


After a looooong process, Tuya finally falls asleep. You tiptoe out of the nursery room before sulking. "What's wrong, My Moon?" Yuliy asks looking up from his book. You sighed, setting down a camera and slipping into bed with Yuliy. "I can't pick out a good picture to send to Dorthea.. They're all so cute!!" He laughs as he sets the book on the table and lays down, moving your head on his chest. "Yes that IS a problem.." He reaches across you and turns off the lamp. You both sit in the darkness in comfort. "So Tuya changed on me the other day while you went out hunting." Yuliy eyes widen in shock. "Really!? That is rare, you know! My brother didn't change but I did.." You waved a hand in the air. "It was only a few minutes. But imagine my surprise that a white wolf pup was laying in the crib!!" Yuliy puts a hand on his mouth to hide a grin. You pouted as you felt the movement and poked him in his chest. "Not funny!" Yuliy rubbed your back in apology. You both heaved a tired sigh at Tuyas sudden crying. Yuliy pulls away from you and groggily gets up, heading into the nursery.

"I got it.."

Thanks for reading!

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