I tried.

22 4 0

It was really chilly, you wished you'd thrown on a thicker jacket. You rushed out into the windy night hopping on one foot as you tried to fully push your socked feet into your brown boots.

As soon as you managed to get both your feet into the mud colored boots, you dashed off towards the house of the boy you had dreamed of since the day you guys shared ice cream.

Yes you guys were close, closer than you could imagine...

"Huff, Huff, Huff "
You rested your hands on your knees as you reached his front gate. Your cold hands made contact with the even colder metal of the gate.
As you were about to push in you could hear faint giggles. You got anxious as that very sound seemed to be coming from his house.

You ventured in and rang the doorbell. You rubbed your hands as you waited for the door to open.

When it did, you wished it didn't.

I love him.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon