Then You both jumped.

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"Him is who?" He blinked. You sighed " Him. The guy I like is You." You confessed fiddling with your fingers and shrugging. You couldn't fix your eyes anywhere so it just kept rolling inside your head, back and forth to all the objects around you.
Except on him. Everywhere but him.

He just kept looking at you with his eyes wide as saucers and mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe what he heard. Did he hear it right? Did he even hear it? It wasn't his mind trying to fool him right? Is it? Is it not?

So if Him is him then he's the dude that made you smile like that? Is he the dude that you've been praising every god damn time? Is he the dude that made your heart skip a beat? Is he?

Woah it was hard to believe that he suddenly possessed such power over you. What stronger power is there other than love? Wait does this mean You love him? Could this day get any better?!?!

He was grinning from ear to ear like a kid who beat his sibling in winning over mom's attention. Like a dog who's owner just came home. He was wagging his imaginary tail and was about ready to lick all your face.

He turned you around to do just that but stopped when he saw your tear filled face. "I'm sorry Taehyung for making you feel upset. I should've taken your feelings into consideration, hiding things from you, I should have known you would become upset. "

"But I couldn't just tell you because I don't want to lose what we have, our friendship, our bond, it's just too valuable that I just couldn't afford to lose. But I didn't realize that I was actually throwing it away even if I hide the fact that I have feelings for you."

"It struck me only when you showed me how upset you were earlier and when you said we shouldn't be friends anymore and after that I was really scared...that I...would really lose you..." a tear drop rolled down your cheek.

Taehyung shushed you and pulled you into a hug. " I'm not the only idiot here y/n, you are too. How could you ever think that I would give up on someone like you? You should know that I would never leave your side and always stay by you. I know how much our bond and friendship matters so don't be scared. I'm here."
Both of you pulled apart and looked at each other " And I'm sorry too for saying those things, I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized. You smiled and then he smiled.

"It's okay,"

"Soooo, Him is Meee?!?!" He jumped.
"Him is you." You nodded.
"Him is MEE!! " he jumped.
"And I love him" you nodded.
"And you LOVE HIM!!" He jumped.
"HIM LOVES YOU TOO!!" He jumped and then You jumped, then you both jumped.

The end.

I love him.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt