Good News!

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Emily trotted her way down the big arching staircase. She let out a very large huff and then made her way down to the very large and spacious room, known as the eating court.

There was about 30 girls including emily. Everyone was completely different. There was also groups. The naughty/emo group who loved to brake rules, the crazy cat lovers, the 'popular' group of blonds who were all 9 years old, the artsy group and the  hippie group. And emily's 'group' that was hardly even a group. It consisted of emily and lily smith.

Lily smith was a kind girl who was very shy. On the first day emily arrived, lily was sent to help her find her way around the very large orphanage.

Lily had thick light brown curls that sprung every time she took a step.
She also had light grey eyes rimmed with green around the pupils.

Quite the opposite of emily. When you first got a glimse of emily you wouldnt of noticed anything unusual about her, quite true. She just had plain light brown eyes with specks of dark green dotted around them. rhen She had rich dark brown hair that was slightly wavy. It hung just below her shoulders.

Emily took a seat next to lily and miriam. Infront of emily was a small bowl with two distinct chips in them.
The bowl was filled to the brim with thick gurgling porradge that was the colour of a white rabbit that had rolled in dirt.

She scooped up some of the substance and forced down her tight throat that was itchy. The porridge slipped down her throat like a fat slug awaiting the ground...or the base of her stomach.

Emily's hand quickly reached out to small plastic cup once her finger had clazped around the surface, she pulled her lips to the edge. She then slurped some of the water in it noisily.

Once breakfast was finished all that could be heard was the scraping of chairs on the tiled ground.

Then there was a rush of excitement as all the girls rushed towards the staircase.
Emily and lily were one of the last to leave.

"Do you think someone will come for a girl today? Asked lily excitedly
"Im not sure but i had a dream last night that i would get taken away soon!" Exclaimed emily suddenly.
"Oh...i didn't"  lily glumly stated.

The girls made there way up the stairs slowly behind all the others infront of them.

Lily then rushed of to her room and waved back at emily.
"Uh...see you at lunch and outside time" she cries.
"Oh bye"

As emily reached her room she thought about how lily just rushed of and didn't even talk much.
Strange. She thought.

Emily opened her door and to her suprise there was a note on her pillow.

Dear Emily Nessington,
Please come to my office at 10 past 10.
There is some people i would like you to meet.
Miss donaldsoñ
P.s don't be late.

Oh my gosh emily thought, parents?

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