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Millie's POV:

"Millie hurry up! You don't want to be late on your first day." My Mum shouts from downstairs.

"Coming Mum!" I reply, as I quickly put my make up on and straighten my hair.

I run downstairs and go into the kitchen. "I've made you some toast." My Mum says.

"Thanks." I say quietly, whilst sitting down at the dinning table and nibbling on my toast.

My Mum looks confused. "What's up, you seem really quiet?"

"I just wish we didn't have to move away from Bolton. I'm nervous to start a new school with new people and I'm going to miss all my friends." I say whilst looking up at her with a sad look on my face.

My Mum sits down next me and smiles. "Oh darling, I know it's hard. We've both been struggling ever since your Dad past away. This is a new start for both of us." I give her a hug and pick up my bag before setting off to school.

"Have a good day and see you later." She says before I shut the door and start walking up my street.

I get to the school gates and at the entrance is a women with blonde hair. I walk over to her and she says in a soft voice, "You must be Millie."

"Erm yeah, yeah I'm Millie." I say, looking at all the other students.

"I'm Miss Carter, your headteacher. Follow me, I'll take you to your form room."

We get to my form room and all the students are coming in. "Sit down year 10." A man says.

"This is Mr Bell, your form teacher." Miss Carter explains.

"Hi Millie, you can sit over there." He says, whilst pointing to an empty seat. I just nod and go and sit down.

"You must be the new girl then." A tall girl with long blonde hair, sat next to me says.

"Erm, yeah." I reply quietly.

"I'm Missy Booth, what's your name?" She asks, in a loud voice.

"Millie, Millie Dingle." I reply, a bit louder than my first response.

The bell goes and I head over to my first lesson, I have Art. That's alright seen as I love drawing.

I walk into the classroom and a man walks over to me. "You must be Millie, go and sit over there."

I do what he says and sit down. Sat next to me is a boy, I recognise him, I think he was in my form. The boy looks at me. "Hey, you're the new girl aren't you. I'm Jordan, Jordan Wilson."

I smile and reply "Hi, I'm Millie Dingle".

-Later that day-

It's lunch and I get a sandwich from the canteen and go and sit down next to Missy and this other girl. "You must be Millie, I'm Nas. Nice to meet you." The girl says in a gentle voice.

"So have you made any other friends yet?" Missy asks.

"Well I was talking to this boy called Jordan Wilson in Art." I reply.

"Oh, he's a right trouble maker him. His older brother is in year 11 with me and he must of been with every girl in the year. Stay away from them Wilson brothers!" Nas explains. Missy and Nas just laugh.

We decide to go on the yard outside. We walk over to a wall and this tall boy with brown eyes walks over to me. "Hey, I'm Cory Wilson. What's your name then?"

"Millie Dingle." I reply, looking into his sparkling eyes.

The bell rings for the end of lunch. I walk over to Missy and Nas and we head over to our next lesson.

-After school-

It's the end of the day and I got back to my house, I opened the front door and my Mum's sat in the living room. "Hello darling, how was your first day?" She asks.

"It was good, I made two new friends called Missy and Nas, they only live around the corner." I reply.

"Aw see, I told you it wouldn't be as bad as you thought."

I smile at her and walk upstairs into my room. I sit down on my bed thinking about what Nas told me at lunch but for some reason, I can't stop thinking about Cory Wilson.

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