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Millie's POV:

I'm in maths and Jordan is sitting next to me, which is really awkward because of how things were left the other night.

"Cory told me something the other night." He randomly says.

"What did he tell you?" I ask.

"That he likes Lauren more than you." He replies.

"Oh yeah, definitely – he hates Lauren."

"That's what I said." He says. "He said he's gonna tell you today but he doesn't know how to because he doesn't want to upset you." He adds.

"You chat so much bull Jordan." I say.

"Ask him yourself then."


Cory's POV:

I'm on the yard stood with Riz and I see Millie walking over. "Cory, is it true then?" she asks.

"You what?" I reply.

"What Jordan told me."

"And what did Jordan tell you?" I reply.

"That you like Lauren and you wanna be with her but you don't know how to tell me because you don't want to upset me. Apparently you told him the other night."

"What the hell?! That's a loud of bull. Millie, I swear I never said that! I hate Lauren." I can't believe Jordan would do this. I see him walking past us so I go over to him, Millie and Riz following me.

"Oi, Jordan, what's all this about you telling Millie I like Lauren?!" I ask, he just laughs a bit then starts walking away. I push him into a wall and start strangling him.

"Let go of me!" he shouts.

"Stay away from my girlfriend! How many times do I have to tell you?!" I shout in his face, letting go of him.

"You alright?" Millie asks me, watching Jordan run off.

"Yeah, I'm just annoyed."

"I never believed him by the way. I knew it wasn't true." she says.

"Good because I wouldn't replace you for anything." I reply, Millie kisses me on the lips.

-After school-

Millie's POV:

I get home from school and go upstairs and sit on my bed. My phone vibrates so I look at it and Jordan has text me on Snapchat...


Jordan Wilson: I wasn't chatting bull b4

Me: Leave me alone, Jordan

Jordan Wilson: That's why Cory got all defensive because he's scared you will find out

Me: Why would I believe you?

Jordan Wilson: Idk but you should

You took a screenshot of chat!

I decide to screenshot the messages between me and Jordan and send it to Cory...


Cory Wilson: Why can't he just leave you alone, fgs xx

Me: Idk but I wish he did xx

Cory Wilson: Do you believe me? Xx

Me: Ofc I do xx


-1 hour later-


Me: Wanna stay at mine tonight?? My Mum's going out with her friends now so won't be back until late xx

Cory Wilson: Yeah, alright xx

Cory's POV:

I walk round to Millie's house and she lets me in. "Hey gorgeous." I say, kissing her on the lips.

"Hey, wanna go up to my room?" Millie replies, slightly giggling.

"Yeah, alright" I reply, slightly giggling as well.

We go upstairs into Millie's room and I push her on to her bed and lie on top of her. "There are some condoms in the bathroom." Millie says. I move over to let her get off her bed and she walks out her room.

She comes back, swings the door shut and gets back on her bed and I lie back on top of her. She wraps her arms around my body and starts lifting up my top, I do the same... we are both topless. I lean in to kiss her, the kiss soon becomes passionate...

-The next morning-

I wake up with my arm around Millie, all snuggled up to me, still fast asleep. She starts squinting her eyes until they are fully open. "Morning." I say, smiling, looking into her sparkling brown eyes. I run my fingers gently through her soft, smooth, silky, brown hair and kiss her on the top of her head.

"Enjoy last night?" I ask.

"How could I not?" Millie replies, smiling, lifting her head up slightly to look at me. She puts her head back down and snuggles back up.

-2 minutes later-

"I think we should get dressed for school soon." I say, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, haha, me too." She replies. We both get out of bed and start getting dressed into our school uniforms.

-5 minutes later-

Millie's sat at her desk doing her make up. "Do you believe me?" I ask, I just need to know for sure.

"Do I believe you about what?" She replies.

"Do you believe me that I never said any of that stuff that Jordan told you yesterday?"

"Of course I believe you, you idiot!" She replies.

"Are you sure because Jordan keeps saying stuff to you and I'm scared that one day you will believe"-...Millie cuts me off before I could finish speaking.

-"I can trust you, I can trust you Cory." Millie says. She kisses me on the lips then turns around and picks up her school bag and walks downstairs, me following her.

Millie's words just buzz around my head and repeat over and over again. We get to the bottom of the stairs and Millie opens the front door but I push past her, blocking the door way so she can't get out. "I can trust you too, Millie." I say, I move out the way so we can set off walking to school, I grab her hand and intertwine her fingers into mine. As we are walking, I look around me and think...

'I have that one person in my life who I would take my life for and I can ring or text that person at any time of the day, I can tell that person everything and know that they will always be there by my side, I know that I will never lose that person, people try to make me and that person fall out but nothing can and nothing will make me and that person fall out...that person is Millie – and I love her for that!'

Them four words still buzz around my head, repeating over and over again...

'🇮​ 🇨​🇦​🇳​ 🇹​🇷​🇺​🇸​🇹​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​'

- 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹 -

Started - 6th January 2019
Finished 4th May 2019

Met Sam Retford x2
Met Karen Retford x1 
Met Jo Stubbs x1
Met Rhianne Stubbs x1
^Follows my personal Instagram Account^
^Messaged all through Instagram^
Met Max Retford x1
{I know them all quite well now}

{N/A - I used to have a fan page on Instagram for Sam Retford when I was about 14, haha - but I don't use it anymore} - 22/02/2021

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