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Millie's POV:

-6:00 am-

Ugh, I'm not meant to be getting up for another hour but I can't sleep. I have a banging headache and feel like I'm going to be sick. I sit up on my bed and turn my lamp on, I get my phone off the side and look through all my friends snapchat stories for a bit.

-15 minutes later-

I feel like I'm going be sick so I go into the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. The landing light turns on so I turn around and my Mum's stood at the bathroom door.

"You alright, Mill?" she asks.

"No, I've just been sick." I reply.

"Oh dear, go downstairs and make yourself a drink and I'll be down in a minute." she says.

I go downstairs and make a small glass of water. Then my Mum comes downstairs and into the kitchen. "Well, you should be getting dressed for school soon but there's no point you going in if you're going to be sick again so I'll ring school later." She says, smiling at me. "It's my first day at my new job at the hairdressers / barbers today so will you be alright on your own?" she asks. I nod in response and walk back upstairs into my room. I get dressed into some leggings and a top and sit on my bed. I text Cory so he knows I'm not coming in today...


Me: Hey, I'm not coming in school today xx

Cory Wilson: Why not? Xx

Me: I was sick about 15 mins ago :/ xx

Cory Wilson: Oh god! Make sure you get plenty of rest xx

Me: Thank you, I will. You can still text me all day, if you want to xx

Cory Wilson: Oh good, I'm gonna miss you though xx

Me: Yeah, me too xx


-half an hour later-

I'm sat in my living room on the couch, watching tv and looking through peoples snapchat stories on my phone and I see Cory's. It's my favourite picture of me and him and he's put a caption that says...

'Get well soon gorgeous girl!! I love you lots and lots xxx'

I decide to comment on it.

Cory's POV:

I'm sat in English and my phone vibrates, I take it out my pocket and hold it under the desk so Miss doesn't see it, I click the home button and it says...

'Millie Dingle is typing...'

'From Millie Dingle'

I wonder if she's seen my story yet?

I unlock my phone and read the message...


Millie Dingle commented on your story!

Millie Dingle: Thank you so much! <3 xx

Me: It's fine, how are you feeling?? Xx

Millie Dingle: I'm feeling better, thank you. I'm going to make a sandwich for my dinner now xx

Me: Good, the bell's about to go for lunch and I'm going to be stuck with Naveed and Riz for 40 mins because of you, fgs xx

Millie Dingle: Haha, well good luck xx

Millie's POV:

It comes up on my phone that I have a text from Missy. Oh god, I've just remembered that I've not told her why I'm not in. She's going be wondering where I am.


Missy Booth: Hey Mill, how come you ain't in today?? X

Me: Sorry, I forgot to text you earlier, I threw up this morning x

Missy Booth: Oh no, are u feeling any better?? X

Me: Yeah, I'm making a sandwich now haha x

Missy Booth: Well enjoy and get well soon x

Me: Thank you! X


-2 hours later-

I'm still sat in my living room, feeling a lot better. I look at the time on my phone and it says '15:05' which means Cory should be on his way home. As I'm thinking that, the door bell rings. I walk to the door and open it to see Cory stood there with some chocolates. "Hey gorgeous, thought I'd get you these to help you feel better" he says, smiling at me.

"Awh, thank you!! Terry's Chocolate Orange and Maltesers, my favourites." I reply, hugging him. "I'm feeling a lot better now and should be in school tomorrow." I say, smiling at him.

"Oh thank god, this day has dragged without you being in." He replies, we both giggle a bit. "Anyways, I'll have to go home now but see you tomorrow." he adds.

"Yes, see you tomorrow" I say back.

I Can Trust You | Cory Wilson | Ackley Bridge | FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ