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A/N - I've changed chapter 4 and 5 a little bit!! I recommend you go back and re-read the last 2 chapters, just so you know what's going on x

*Also, some scenes in this chapter are inspired/based off Ackley Bridge!!*

Millie's POV:

I arrive at school and head towards my locker, Lauren is there with her friends. They walk away laughing so I walk down the corridor to the lockers and there's a note on my door. It says...

'Go kill yourself so you can be with your dead Dad haha!!'

I rip the note off the door - I have tears in my eyes and punch the locker door, I keep on punching it really hard. Cory runs over to me and grabs me away. He takes me outside on the yard and we sit down at a bench.

"What the hell happened?"

"Lauren." I sigh whilst passing him the note.

"She did this? Will that kid ever learn?!" Cory says, looking a bit fed up.

"I don't know but she's took it way to far this time and I've had enough."

-Lunch time-

It's lunch and I'm stood on the yard with Cory. Lauren walks past us with her friends so I walk towards her, Cory following me. "I know you wrote that stupid note you freak!"

"Oh, so you read that then." she replies. I start pushing her and she pushes me back.

"Millie, what you doing?" Cory asks.

"Giving her what she deserves." I say, looking at Lauren. People start crowding round shouting "Scrap... scrap... scrap!" and "Fight... fight... fight!" I punch Lauren in her eye then in her lip. She swings for me but I dodge her. I punch her really hard and she falls to the floor so I start kicking her. Her friends try pushing me away but then Mr Bell comes and grabs my arm and drags me away. Miss Carter comes running over and helps Lauren up, I'm guessing there going to First Aid. Mr Bell literally drags me to Isolation. "Sit down!" he shouts. He passes me a pen and some worksheets.

-After school-

Cory's POV:

I'm walking home from school with Millie, Jordan is riding his bike at the side of us. We get to my house and see that my Dad's sat on the roof – my heart drops and I look over at Jordan, he looks back at me. We all run over to the gate on the front yard and look up. There are a few people stood behind us.

"Dad, Dad, Dad get down now!" Jordan shouts. "Get down, now!"

"Do you remember when Mum left us – do you remember what you said to us?" I shout.

My Dad nods his head. "I said I'd never leave you." He replies.

"Please Dad, will you just get down will ya." I shout, tears are falling down my face.

"Alright, I'll get down," He climbs down the ladder and Millie hugs me, I feel so much better with her arms around me. My Dad walks over to me and Jordan and we run over and give him a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry lads." He says, I can see the sadness in his eyes, we walk inside and I tell Millie to go home whilst we sort my Dad out.

Millie's POV:

I get home and explain everything to my Mum, I'm still shaking. We have tea and then head over to the Wilson's with some chocolates.

We get there and I knock on the door, Cory answers and he still looks a bit upset. "Come in." he says, smiling at me and my Mum. We walk into the living room, Jordan is sat on the couch with his Dad. "Dad this is Millie and her Mum." Cory says.

"Oh hi, I'm Kevin." He says. "I'm sorry about earlier Millie, sorry you had to witness that."

"Honestly its fine, as long as you're ok." I reply.

"Yeah I am now thanks." He says, smiling at me.

"We've brought you some chocolates." My Mum says smiling at Kevin. "Oh and call me Becky."

"Ah thanks Becky, my favourites." He smiles back.

"Anyway, we will let you get on with what you're doing. Just ring us if you need anything." My Mum says, passing Kevin a little piece of paper with her number on it."

-Half an hour later-

I'm sat on my bed listening to music when my phone vibrates.


Cory Wilson: Thank you so much for today xx

Me: It's fine, honestly. I'm just glad that your Dad's okay xx

Cory Wilson: Yeah, me too xx

Me: What about you? Are u and Jordan alright? Xx

Cory Wilson: Yeah, we are now. We're just glad he got down xx

Me: Yeah, same. What you doing now? Xx

Cory Wilson: I'm about to watch a film on Netflix with Dad and Jordan, don't know what yet xx

Me: Enjoy and see u tomorrow xx


I Can Trust You | Cory Wilson | Ackley Bridge | FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang