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Millie's POV:

I wake up and drag myself out of bed, I get my uniform on and do my make up and brush my hair. I go downstairs, my Mum's still asleep, I make myself some toast and set off to school.

"Millie!...Millie!" A voice shouts from behind me, I turn around to see Cory running towards me. "Thought you were ignoring me completely then" He says, sarcastically, making me laugh. "So how did yesterday go? You know, with it being your first day and that." he adds.

"Ah you know, alright."

"So where did you live before moving here?" He asks.

"I lived in Bolton." I reply.

"How come you moved to Ackley Bridge then?" He asks.

"My Dad died a few months ago and my Mum thought it would be good if we moved somewhere else for a change." I reply.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." He says in a gentle voice.

"It's fine, its not your fault, it was a massive shock for me and my Mum. He died of a heart attack, he smoked a lot so my Mum thinks it's probably to do with that." I explain.

We get to the school gates and I see Missy and Nas walking over to us. "Oh... so you're getting in with the new girl already." Missy says in her usual loud voice.

"Oh shut up you blonde cow! I was walking half way to school with her! If that's okay with you?!" Cory shouts, as he walks over to his friends, he looks really annoyed. I don't understand why Missy and Nas hate him so much.

"I thought I told you to stay away from them Wilson brothers, there trouble." Nas says.

"I know but he seems really nice."

"Yes, 'seems' nice, well he's a right player." Nas says.

The bell rings, me and Missy walk into form and sit down talking about make up and nails. "Ugh we've got PE next." Missy slowly says, I just sigh.

The bell goes for first lesson, me and Missy walk into the changing rooms and get into our PE kits. We get on to the field with the rest of the class. "That's Mr Simpson, our teacher." Missy tells me.

"Right... 3... 2... 1... start!" He shouts.

"So your the girl Cory Wilson likes then." A girl with brown long hair shouts to me. "I thought he had standards but... wow... clearly not." She adds, her and her friends are just stood there laughing at me.

"Leave her alone Lauren!" Missy shouts.

" I heard your Dad killed himself, probably because of you." Lauren shouts, she is still laughing. I can feel myself getting more and more annoyed.

Oh, shut up you fat cow! He died of a fricking heart attack actually!" I shout at the top of my voice. I run over to her and jump on top of her, knocking her to the ground. I punch her, making her nose bleed. Mr Simpson comes running over. I look around and everyone is in shock, even Missy. Mr Simpson grabs my arm and pulls me away.

"Missy, go and get Mr Bell. Candice, take Lauren to first aid please." He shouts. Lauren's friends help her up and Candice walks her to first aid.

Mr Bell comes running on to the field, Missy is running behind him. "What the hell has happened here?" He shouts.

"Millie has attacked Lauren." Mr Simpson replies.

"Right, Millie come with me." Mr Bell says. We walk off the field and I go and get back into my uniform. I'm still shaking and my heart is beating so fast. I walk out of the changing rooms to meet Mr Bell. "You will have to be in isolation for the rest of the day and I'll be contacting home." He says.

"Whatever." I mutter to myself. As we walk into isolation, I see Jordan sat in the corner. He has a black eye, I go and sit next to him. Mr Bell hands me a pen and some worksheets.

"What you doing here?" He asks.

"I punched that Lauren girl in PE. She was saying stuff about your brother and my Dad's death."

"Ah right. She's always liked Cory, but he hates her, that's probably why she was saying stuff." Jordan says. I just nod in response. "So why you in here then?" I ask.

"I walked out of three lessons yesterday." He replies.

"What happened to your eye?" I ask.

"It's nothing." He quietly replies, I wonder what happened to him.

-After school-

I start walking home and see Cory walking on his own, I walk over to him. "Hey."

"Hi, what happened with you and Lauren today? I heard you banged her out." He asks, giggling a bit.

"Oh yeah, she was saying you like me and that my Dad apparently 'killed himself.'" I reply.

"Oh, that's out of order saying that about your Dad. She's a stuck-up cow." Cory replies, I just nod and smile.

"Jordan was in isolation and he had a black eye but wouldn't tell me why, he looked really up set." I say. Cory doesn't answer, he just looks down at the floor. I wonder what is going on.

We get to Cory's street. "Bye Millie." He says whilst walking towards his house, I smile and wave then walk around the corner to mine.

I get home and walk into the living room, my Mum is sat on the couch. "Mr Bell spoke to me today, why did you punch that girl?"

"She was saying that Dad 'killed himself' because of me." I reply.

"Oh, she sounds like a lovely girl." My Mum says sarcastically. "You should of ignored her though, you could have gone to the teacher or something." She adds.

"I know, I just got really annoyed and lost control of myself." I reply.

"I know how hard it's been but just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay?" She says.

"Yes, I promise Mum." I reply.

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