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Millie's POV:

I decide to go out for a bit to clear my head, so much has happened recently, like yesterday with Lauren and Kevin. I don't even know where I'm going, I'm just so annoyed because of that stupid cow Lauren. I decide to go to the corner shop and buy a bottle of Lucozade. I walk to this backstreet. I sit down on the dirty floor against a wall and burst out crying. My phone starts vibrating, it's my Mum – I don't answer and turn my phone off.

-2 hours later-

Cory's POV:

I'm sat on my bed playing Fortnite on my PS4 when someone starts banging on the front door. I run downstairs and my Dad has already answered. I push passed him to see Millie's Mum stood there. "Cory, is Millie here? She left home about 2 hours ago and she's not answering her phone."

"What!? No – no she's not here."

"Come on, I'll help you look." My Dad says, grabbing his coat and walking outside - I follow him. We head towards the corner shop and start looking around.

-10 minute later-

There is still no sign of Millie. "Right, that's it. I'm gonna put it on Facebook that she's missing!" Millie's Mum says, getting her phone out.

Millie's POV:

I'm still sat in the backstreet holding my empty bottle of Lucozade because I've drank it all. I get my phone out my pocket and turn it back on, I look at my lock screen...

Missed calls:

Mum (10)

Cory Wilson (7)

I put my password in my phone to unlock it and decide to go on Facebook. My Mum has posted something, only a few minutes ago. I have a look...

My daughter Millie Dingle has been missing for nearly 2 hours and isn't answering her phone. Please if anyone has seen her, message me ASAP!!!

Shared by: Cory Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Jordan Wilson and 4 others...

Oh my god, they must be so worried about me! It actually has been nearly an hour. I didn't even think – I'm just so annoyed. I stand up and start walking when I see my Mum, Cory and his Dad running over to me. I run over to Cory and give him a big hug, I can feel his heart beating. I hug my Mum, she's shaking and tears are falling down her face.

"M...Millie...where have you been and why the hell did you go missing?" Cory blurts out.

"I was just so annoyed, I didn't go missing on purpose." I reply.

"Because of Lauren?" My Mum asks.

"Yeah..." I reply. I see Jordan running towards us all. "You alright?" he asks, out of breathe.

"Yeah, I just wanna go home now." I reply. Cory, my Mum, Jordan and Kevin all look at each other as if to say 'what should we do?'

We get to my house and Kevin, Cory and Jordan go home. "I'll make us some tea and we can talk about everything." My Mum says, smiling. I just nod in response.

-10 minutes later-

"So what's wrong Mill?" My Mum asks.

"Just a lot has gone on recently." I reply, eating my pasta.

"Is it because you miss your Dad as well?"

"Yeah.. I just want him back." I reply, my eyes start watering.

"I know, so do I." My Mum says. "Do you want to watch some videos and look at some pictures of him when we've finished our tea? I just thought it might help you a bit." She adds.

"Yes, alright." I reply, rubbing my eyes.

My phone vibrates next me...


Cory Wilson: Hey, you alright now? Xx

Me: Yes, thank you. I'm going to look at some videos and photos of my Dad xx

Cory Wilson: Ah, that's a great idea! Xx

Me: Yeah! Xx

Cory Wilson: Well, enjoy xx

Me: Thank you xx

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