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Millie's POV:

I go upstairs into my room and decide to go to the shop, I put some jeans on and a pink stripy top. I put my jacket on and get a tenner off my desk and run downstairs. I open the front door and shout "I'm going out!" loud enough so my Mum can hear me.

I walk around the corner, on my way to the shop and I see Cory sat on the swing in the park. I sneak up behind him and shout "boo!" which makes him jump, he turns to look at me and shouts, "Bloody hell, you scared me to death you muppet." We just laugh.

"Sit down" he says. I sit down on the swing next to him.

Cory's POV:

I feel bad for Millie, she must be so sad with her Dad dying and stuff. I like her, like I really like her, not just as a friend but as a girlfriend. I don't know if to tell her. I mean, what if she doesn't feel the same about me? I look into her eyes and I lean towards her for a kiss, her lips are so soft. The kiss becomes passionate. I brush through her silky, smooth hair with my fingers.

It started raining really hard. "Wanna go shop?" Millie asks, standing up.

"Yeah okay, then we can go back to mine if you want" I reply, also standing up.

"Are you sure?" she asks, as we walk to the shop.

"Yes, my Dads out and Jordan's at his mates."

"What about your Mum?" Millie asks.

"Oh, she walked out on us when I was 7." I reply.

"I'm sorry, that's horrible." She replies.

"Ah it's fine, she was a selfish bitch anyway." I say.

We get to the shop and Millie goes straight to the alcohol isle and picks up a small bottle of Vodka, I go and get some chocolate from the other isle. We walk over to the till and the man asks me for ID, I put my hand in my pocket and pretend I've forgot it. Millie quickly grabs the bottle of Vodka and runs out the shop, so I follow her. We keep on running until we get to mine. We go inside and can't stop laughing.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I say, still out of breath and laughing.

"I just felt like having a drink after everything that happened with Lauren today, that's all." Millie replies, also still out of breath and laughing. We go upstairs and into my room.

"Nice room." Millie says, "So how many girls have you had in here then?" She adds.

Millie's POV:

"Nice room." I say. "So how many girls have you had in here then?" I add, sarcastically.

"You what?!" Cory shouts, whilst sitting down on his bed, he doesn't look to happy with what I just said.

"I didn't mean to offend you... it's just Missy and Nas said"-...Cory cuts me off before I could finish speaking.

- "Missy and Nas said... Oh what, so you believe everything they say? Bet they told you to stay away from me as well didn't they?" Cory says, in an angrily tone. He looks really sad. I didn't mean to make him up set, I mean I was joking but I'm actually quite curious to know.

"Well do you really wanna know? None! You're the first girl who's ever been in my house since my Mum left us. You probably don't believe me, seen as your 'stuck up' mates have brain washed you." he adds.

"Cory, I'm sorry." I say whilst sitting next to him on his bed. "I honestly didn't mean to offend you... and your wrong, I do believe you. You're so nice and funny. At my old school, all the boys were horrible. They would get with me and then dump me after a week but your different to them, you make me feel happy." I say. I meant everything I just said, he is different and whenever I'm around him, I just feel so happy.

"Sorry if I had a go at you - thank you for believing me and I'm not like all the other boys at all." Cory begins. "It's just everyone thinks I am, I kind of went along with it at first to hide what I'm really like. I'm not a 'player' like everyone says I am, I've only ever been with one girl before and that was just to make Jordan jealous because I knew how much he liked her. I know that sounds mean but it wasn't long term or anything, it was like 2 weeks that's all. I only did it because Jordan said he was gonna tell everyone that I've never had a proper girlfriend before." Cory explains, still looking really upset. I am quite shocked at what he has just told me, I feel really bad for him.

"You shouldn't be a shamed of only ever being with one girl. I mean, if I don't include all the idiots I've been with, I guess I've only been with one as well, his name was Jack." I reply, trying to reassure him. "So, who was the girl?" I ask.

"Candice, she's in your form." Cory replies, he sounds a bit happier now. "Millie... thank you, you've really helped me. I just have to look at you and I feel better." He adds, smiling and looking directly into my eyes.

"I feel the exact same with you." I say, looking back into his eyes. I lean in to kiss him... the kiss soon becomes passionate.

Cory's POV:

Millie leans in to kiss me...the kiss soon becomes passionate. "Millie..." I say, breaking up the kiss.

"Yeah?" She replies, looking a bit confused.

"I wanna tell you something but I don't know how you will react."

"Well, tell me and then you will know." She says, smirking at me, making me laugh a bit. "Well go on then." Millie adds, breaking the silence.

"I love you." I blurt out, looking at Millie, waiting for her reaction.

"...I love you too Cory." Millie replies. "I can't believe you were hesitating to tell me that when we've already kissed twice today." Millie adds, whilst laughing, causing me to laugh.

"Well... I'm glad I got that off my chest." I say, smirking at Millie.

"Hahah, me too." She replies. I'm so glad she feels the same. She's right, we've already kissed twice today.

"So are you planning on drinking this bottle of Vodka that you stole." I ask, making Millie laugh.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that." She replies. Grabbing the bottle off me and opening it. "Want some?" she asks, whilst gulping half the bottle down.

"Well, I'm glad you only got a small bottle because you would have been absolutely leathered by now if that was a bigger size." I say, sarcastically, making Millie laugh.

"Here, have the rest if you want." She says, passing me the bottle.

"Thanks, I was wondering when you were gonna give me some." I say, sarcastically again, making us both giggle. "So, are we gonna tell anyone about me and you?" I ask curiously, Millie might not want people knowing yet.

"Let's tell people, I don't want us to be a big secret from everyone, if that's okay with you." She replies.

"Yes, I thought that." I say, I completely agree with her.

Millie's phone vibrates next to me, so I pick it up. "It's from your Mum." I say, passing Millie her phone.

"Ah, my tea's ready." Millie says, standing up. I stand up and we walk downstairs.

"Bye and see you tomorrow." I say, opening the front door.

"See you tomorrow."

Millie POV:

I walk around the corner to my house, it had stopped raining now. I go inside and into the kitchen, where my Mum's serving my tea.

"Ah, just in time...where have you been?" My Mum asks.

"Oh, just at a mates." I reply, I didn't really want to mention Cory to my Mum yet.

"I'm so glad you're making new friends so quickly." My Mum says.

I finish my tea and go upstairs. I lay down on my bed thinking about Cory and everything that has happened tonight. I wonder what Missy and Nas will say about us being together.

I Can Trust You | Cory Wilson | Ackley Bridge | FanficWhere stories live. Discover now