Prince Caspian ~ Tree climbing?

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Words: 2742

Request: you are Lucy's youngest daughter returning to Narnia roughly 30 years after Lucy and Edmund left in Dawn Treader. Caspian finds you and you both hit it off immediately.


"Uncle Ed, which bush did you say you wanted me to trim again?" You shouted out at him from the back of the garden.

"The one at the very back, next to the Hudson's fence," he yelled back. You nodded your head and went to find the bush.

It was a beautiful summers day in England. You and your mother, Lucy, were staying with your Uncle Edmund and his wife and new child in Cambridge, waiting for the christening. In return you and your mother were helping the new parents out around the house as much as possible, trying to take the stress off them so they could look after your new cousin.

You'd been through lots of Christenings by now, being the second eldest of all of the Pevensie cousins, after Mark, your Uncle Peter's eldest son.

It had been 30 years since Edmund, Lucy and Eustace has returned from Narnia after their voyage on the seas. You had grown up with many stories about Narnia, as you would expect being Lucy's daughter. You were desperately hoping that one day you'd go to Narnia, but you were 18 and afraid you were too old to go.

Eventually you found the huge, untamed bush that your uncle had asked to cut in the very back of the garden. You sighed, preparing yourself for a long afternoon. But as you were trimming it you saw something shining underneath all of the leaves. You put your hand in trying to reach, but couldn't seem to grab it. You fought back the branches and leaves, fighting to see what it was, even pushing your torso into the hedge to find it.

Suddenly you lost your footing and fell into the greenery but your fall seemed to last forever.

It was an odd sensation, your fall. It was like one second you were being scraped by little leaves and then half a second later your fall was being broken by larger leaves and big branches and your fall was oddly very long.

You landed with a large thump after you broke through the leaves and fell through the air for a second or two. You groaned in pain, as you sat yourself up, but stranger still was not that you had fall into a bush, but that the bush was no longer there. In fact you were sitting on open grass, underneath what appeared to be a very weird tree.

You sat befuddled on the grass for a while before you got up, inspecting your surrounds. How strange. You Uncle Edmund's garden was completely gone. Now you were met with large trees and to your left, just outside the tree line, a large field of grass lay before a medieval looking castle.

You were so surprised you stumbled back and fell onto your bum with your mouth wide open, in too much shock to register the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Hello, are you alright?" A male voice said to the side of you. You looked up in surprise to see a man with shoulder length, brown hair and bronzed skin. He was offering you his hand to help you up but you could barely register what was going on. Eventually you came to your senses and grabbed his large hand and he pulled you to your feet.

"Thank you very much, sir," you said. He was looking at you strangely, almost like he knew something you didn't.

"Sorry, but, do I know you from somewhere? You look awfully familiar," he asked with a deep, kind voice. You blushed under his gaze, noticing how handsome he was.

"Uhh, no. I'm not from around here. At least I don't think I am, that is," you replied. He still looked at you with a curious expression as he gestured for you to walk with him.

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