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Let me start at the begining where it all began. "Hey! Dick give me back my hair brush!" I said "you have to catch me first sis!!" he said while running "oh no you don't!" I said running after my brother. *laughs* "your not gonna catch me! Ouf!" My brother said while falling to the ground. As my brother Dick looked up, he saw that he ran into our father. "hey kids! what are you doing, running around the circus grounds?" our father asked "daddy Dick took my hair brush and wouldn't give it back!" I said "aww don't worry sweetie we can sort this out," he said "now son give Jessica back her brush" he said taking out his hand "aww ok" Dick finally let go of my brush "here you go honey" he said giving it to me "thanks dad, and thank you Dick" I said "yeah, yeah" he said with a smile "now kids we need to practice for tomorrow night so c'mon to the circus tent" our father said "I need to go put my hair brush back and I want Dick to come with me" I said "but why honey?" my father asked "because it's his fault it's not in it's place" I said "well alright but hurry up you two, we start in five minutes so hurry along" he said "alright dad" Dick and I both said.

As my brother and I were going back to our circus trailer, we heard a man yell to Mr. Haley he said something like "you'll regret not taking my offer! you'll see! someone is going to get hurt! real soon!" and then Mr. Haley said "get off my property while you can still walk!!" he said while holding a whip "fine! but you'll be sorry! you'll be calling Tony Zucco! Very soon" he said walking backwards "oww" my brother said while falling on the ground "out of the way you stupid kid!" Zucco said "hey! you can't talk to my brother that way!" I yelled "yeah i can! so get out of my way!" he said pushing me aside "ouf!" was the sound I made while falling on the ground "you ok Jessica?" my brother asked getting up "yeah I'm fine let's hurry up to go put my hair brush back" I said "yeah, ok" Dick said. There was something about that man we really didn't like.

The next day...

"Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, welcome to the grandest show on earth!!!" the crowd cheered "before we begin tonights show, let's give a big hand of applause for the benefactor for tonight's action packed pageant Mr. Bruce Wayne!!!" the crown cheers louder as the spotlight goes on a man standing up and waving to the crowd "and now get ready ladies and gentlemen for the flying Graysons!!!" The crowd went wild. A strange man came by me and my family to wish us good luck but Dick and I recognized him, it was Tony Zucco but before Dick could tell our parents, our Mother said that we had to go on but Dick and I were worried, very worried. as the spotlight hit us my dad held the trapeze jumped then turned and held the other indicating that it was my turn so I grabbed the trapeze and jumped and grabbed my fathers hands it was so fun doing the trapeze act, who knew it would be the last time. As I finished I held the trapeze for Dick to go so he did the same as me when he finished he held it for our mother to go, she hugged us both for doing a good job and than went, only then, did Dick and I notice that the rope was about to cut. Dick and I screamed for our parents to hear but it was too late, the rope cut and it sent our parents falling to the ground. The ambulance came as fast as they could to take our parents to the hospital. A police man called Jim Gordan ask us a few questions about who we thought cut the rope and we told him about this Tony Zucco person and when we were done he turned to face Bruce Wayne, who was still here the entire time. Bruce asked him if Dick and I had any family to take us in and unfortunately we didn't, officer Gordon said "no, no family. Some of the circus people want to take them in but I'm afraid Zucco might try something" and he couldn't let that happen "what if I took them in?" Bruce asked "what? But Bruce are you sure you can handle it, I mean, these kids are devastated, it wont be easy for them to settle in to your mansion comfortably" Jim said "don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Il have Alfred drive them up tomorrow morning, that will give them enough time to pack and say goodbye to the circus actors" Bruce said "hmmm ok, but remember, if you need any help give me a call, I might not have much experience with sons, but daughters I can handle" Jim said "alright commissioner" Bruce said. It was going to be hard but Dick and i were ready to settle into Bruce's house we were, after all, prepared for the better and for the worst.

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