If I asked...

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Happy 2019, darlings! Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and that this year will be even better than the previous one, for each and every one of you! May you all be smiled upon and loved in this new year, and may your resolutions and dreams be fulfilled! Let's all strive to make the world around us a better place for all of us to enjoy, because we only have one world to call 'home'! Cheers~ ( ˘ ³˘)❤



Though his whisper only earned a slight stirring from the sleeping girl, he couldn't help but smile. Having finally lulled her to sleep a few hours before, Reksa had spent the rest of that night watching over her.

'Do you even know how scared I was of losing you?'  he mused, brushing the back of his fingers along her cheek to move away a stray lock of hair.

She was such a deliciously intricate contrast: soft, kind and warm... but also cunning, fierce and adamant, with courage as hard and unwavering as the mountains of his childhood... and yet so delicate and fragile, like the sweet-scented flowers the maidens of his village adorned themselves with. So many different traits in just one woman – so much to discover, so much to learn... so much to claim as his own!

It was no wonder his heart had so easily turned to her, now driving him mad with desire for this goddess with fire in her hair and the sky in her eyes.

'Goddess forgive me, but surely you are divine yourself...'  he again contemplated, as if to convince himself that she couldn't be just human.

On that thought he leaned to kiss her cheek and felt her stirring again under his touch, making him smile when he pulled back to see her sleepy gaze.

"Is it morning already?" she mumbled, rubbing one of her eyes lightly in a halfhearted attempt to chase away the sleep clinging to her dark lashes.

"Almost dawn." the young Komodo replied, unable to hold back from claiming her lips once more.

Her drowsy moan felt like music to his ears... by the Goddess, it was as if she was begging for his self restraint to crumble, as shown in the way his hand lightly tightened its grasp on her shoulder. But that would have to wait, and yet he found himself unwilling to let go of her. It wasn't that he didn't trust the Avians to keep her safe but his heart warned him that something would go wrong.

"What is it?" she asked, as if reading his mind in his eyes.

Would it be wrong if he just took her with him to his village? His father had wanted to meet her, anyway... and he could just take her against her will; it wasn't as if she was strong enough to resist him. No, what the hell was he thinking? She would never look at him the same if he did that. But why... why  did his heart cringe in fear like that? What was it that it was trying to tell him?


Her worried tone and the sensation of her warm hand on his cheek brought him back to reality, and rather than speaking he merely pulled her close into a tight, protective embrace.

"I'm scared..." he admitted, catching even himself off guard with such sincerity.

When she leaned back and looked up at him with a mixture of worry and surprise, he sighed heavily while caressing her cheek.

"All my life I always felt like I was missing something. I had everything, and yet I felt like I had nothing... and I didn't know what it was. At first I thought Tamara would be the one to fill that emptiness in my heart; but I see now that you were the one I was waiting for. And I don't want to lose you, now that I finally found you..."

Nusantara: Taming a Dragon ✔Where stories live. Discover now