My chosen one

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So I once again missed my update schedule, because of a nasty cold. I've been really sick this past week and just had a very bad general disposition. So... to make it up to you darlings, I'll be uploading two chapters today. But I'm gonna stop ranting and just let you enjoy reading. Also, the art I used for the header of this chapter belongs to the wonderful artist Heise. Therefore, all credit goes to their incredible talent.

Also, please stay healthy, everyone! I was lucky to get off with only a bad cold, but I keep hearing about people being hospitalized and dying because of this flu that's running around. So please do your best to keep it away from you; eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, always wash your hands when you get home and try to avoid very crowded places.

But enough outta me. I'll let you lovelies enjoy the updates~ ( ˘ ³˘)❤


~ A few hours later ~

"Be careful..."

Lightly shaking her head even as the young Komodo kissed her forehead, Aleera smiled lovingly.

"You just focus on the fight... don't worry over me."

She had to have faith that things would work out; that the Goddess had a plan, even if her heart quivered with a bad feeling. For a moment she and Reksa merely watched one another in silence, as if trying to imprint every detail of the other's face into memory; and their eyes spoke so much more than any words ever could. And still, when he stepped away to join his father and the other warriors, she couldn't hold back from already missing him.

Standing there with Sari now resting on her shoulder, her gaze was glued to him while around other warriors were reassuring their families that they would return.

'Have I sent them to death?'  she mused bitterly.

'It is as it should be...'  Sari's voice replied in her mind, startling her. 'Whatever happens out there, it's not your fault.'

Finally, with the warriors filing out of the village behind Silva and Reksa, the dove urged Aleera to follow her into the forest. It wasn't a long walk until they emerged in a small clearing where the vaguely familiar emerald-clad woman was waiting.

"So... it seems you've done quite a lot since I brought you here." she greeted with a cheerful smile.

Her humor died a swift death, however, when the redhead lowered her gaze.

"Not enough to save all those villagers..." she muttered.

"That was not your fault." the Goddess replied, her tone now much more serious and mature, albeit warm and kind. "It is because of you that the Avians as a race will survive this."

"So what can we do about Gudruk then?"

"I'm afraid I don't know... I was unaware he had made such a pact, and I don't know the demon he pledged himself to."

Her words had the young girl staring at her in shock.

"Are... are you serious?" she hissed, her eyes filling with tears of rage. "Are you telling me I sent all those men there to die? Are you telling me I sent Reksa to his death?!"

"No, but to defeat him we must know which of the demons is giving him strength. I will speak to a good friend of mine... he might know something about it. I'll send him to you; he'll be able to help more."

Approaching, she wiped away the girl's tears with a reassuring smile before setting her hands on Aleera's shoulders.

"Have faith..."

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