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Alright, lovelies, we have officially begun the countdown - only two chapters left before the end, so I'm hoping you're looking forward to the conclusion of this little adventure. But until then, I want to mention a couple things regarding this chapter.

1. There is a particular scene in here that might be a bit unsavory (it's kind of a direct parallel and at the same time homage to the inspiration that was Game of Thrones in my life). So be warned!

2. At the end of this chapter I will add a short glossary to explain some food names and such which appear in this chapter (because I tried to keep it as true to Indonesian culture as I could).

So without further ado, I shall let you darlings enjoy this (very long) chapter. Cheers~ ( ˘ ³˘)❤


~ One month later ~

"Are you sure you want your hair like this?" Tamara asked that morning, when Aleera had requested help in tying her fiery strands in a tight bun. "You should look your prettiest... it's your wedding day, after all."

Saying it aloud was still incredible to Tamara – her newest friend had only been with them for a few months and already she and Reksa were prepared to take that huge step together. It made her feel a bit childish that she had waited nearly a year before working up the courage to marry Mitra.

"I'm sure." Aleera responded softly, startling Tamara out of her thoughts. "Maybe later in the day you can help me arrange it differently, but for now this will be perfect. There's something I need to do early on, and I can't have my hair stained."

"What in the world do you need to do, that would mess up your hair?" the other girl blinked, utterly confused.

"I'd rather not tell you beforehand... you'll see, along with everyone."

Her cryptic reply prompted Tamara to try and get more information, but her curiosity was cut short when Sukma interrupted them.

"Be patient, Tamara." the old Avian chuckled knowingly.

She was, of course, aware of what Aleera was going to do that day; she had been the one to settle the girl's curiosity when Reksa had refused. She knew why the young Komodo had changed his mind, but she believed Aleera had the right to decide for herself whether or not she wanted to go through with that more... unusual custom. Not to mention that it would help the tribe to accept her faster.

"Tamara..." Asih called, peeking into the room over Sukma's shoulder. "We're all ready; are you ready?"

"Calm down, will you?" Yuda's annoyed sigh came from the other room. "Even if she's a few minutes late, the outcome will be the same."

While Tamara was helping the bride, Asih had been flitting about the house restlessly looking for all the world like she was the one about to be married. Her anxiety only seemed to settle when Sukma – who had left the house for a bit – returned bearing a small clay bowl decorated with vividly colored, hand painted flowers.

"Is that blood?!" Tamara nearly shrieked when her eyes fell upon the thick crimson substance in the rounded container.

"Don't be silly..." the Chief chuckled while gesturing for Aleera to stand. "It's just paint. We can't have Aleera smelling like a fresh corpse on her wedding day, can we?"

"Is that for Yrena?" Asih inquired, stepping back into the bedroom and closing the door at the old Avian's request.

Grabbing a nearby stool to sit, Sukma placed the bowl onto her lap and dipped her fingers in the paint. In the meantime Aleera had donned her attire for the day – a one-strap bra made of the same tanned Komodo hide as Reksa's mask hood, and a low-waist batik dyed in the same grayish shade, decorated with a dragon's head in tones of yellow and bright orange much like the color of fire.

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