Forever yours

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The weekend is upon us, darlings, so here's another chapter for you to enjoy. Hope you'll all have a wonderful end of the week, to relax and enjoy. Have fun, lovelies~ ( ˘ ³˘)❤


~ Five days later ~

Returning to awareness, Aleera's eyes fluttered open to the sight of the now slightly familiar roof of Reksa's room.

'Was it all just a dream...?'  she pondered, looking out the window at the starry night sky.

Kafarion, the enchanted dagger, the battle... killing Gudruk and driving the demon back into its realm... and then falling into an abyss of mist, in the roars of a waterfall. Had she been dreaming all of that?

Hearing the door open she turned her head to find Reksa entering, the sight of her looking at him stopping him in his tracks. Her attempt to sit up broke him out of his daze, and Aleera immediately found herself in his embrace. Though he didn't utter a word, she felt his erratic heartbeat from how tightly he was holding her. And as her grogginess faded, she started noticing more things: his mask was gone, healing wounds covered his arms and bandages were wrapped around his stomach.

"It wasn't a dream, was it?" she whispered.

"No. But none of that matters now... you're alive..."

The relief in his tone prompted her to wrap her arms around him, gingerly tracing her fingers over the cuts on his back. In turn he kissed the side of her head, sighing contently.

"You saved us... all of us..." he whispered, his breath warming her ear.

Leaning back to look her in the eye, he lovingly traced her cheeks with his hands.

"Your parents left you in my care..."

"So it really was them... at that time..." she gasped, her eyes widening as tears twinkled beneath her lashes. "They... saved me..."

"The gods love you; and through them your parents brought you back and left you to me. And I swear I'll never suffer any harm to come to you again. I'll take care of you... and I'll love you for as long as I draw breath, and longer."

A quivering smile tugged at her lips as he spoke, and when she lunged forth to kiss him it actually caught him off guard.

"I don't ever want to leave you..." she sniffled, tears of joy trailing along her cheeks. "I want to spend the rest of my life here, with you."

"Then marry me." he replied with an alluring purr in his tone, startling her. "I don't want to live in a world where I don't have you... marry me."

For a moment she stared at him in silence, and for Reksa that was the longest, most agonizing wait of his entire life. But then her awed expression melted into love, and when she nodded right up until her lips molded to his, he could swear his heart would swell with joy until it burst out of him. Wrapping her in his arms yet again, he involuntarily shifted to a more passionate note in their kiss, purring contently when she melted against him.


That was all it took for Aleera to instinctively understand what they both wanted. They had desired this for some time, and now she finally felt like it was the right moment – the moment when their love had grown strong enough to let them enjoy its physical aspect as well. When he purred into their kiss, her whole body clenched in sweet anticipation. And when he broke the kiss, leaving her heated lips begging for more, his gaze was dark with lust.

The next kiss was heavy, assertive and thick like honey, his tongue diving into her mouth to engage hers in a heated, sensual dance while allowing them to relish each other's taste. At the same time his hands trailed along her curves, sending a shiver of pleasure rolling down her spine and drawing a soft moan from her. As if that had awakened something within him, she felt the tug on her top and heard the fabric tear beneath his strength like it was paper.

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