Chapter 2

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 (Y/N) Your Name

Readers POV.

After I left work I made a quick run to the market on my way to the Bucket's home to help her with caring for the family. I have no immediate family left so the buckets are like a surrogate family for me. Jane is just like a sister to me and Charlie her son, just like my nephew.  Charlie even calls me auntie.  I do not live with the bucket family but I go there everyday after work to help Jane with the elderly parents. Who I call grandma and grandpa too. Mr. Bucket sadly since passed away some years ago and so Jane who was widowed at a very young age, and with all the grandparents bedridden she needs all the help she can get. And considering all that grandpa Joe has done for me, it's the least I can do for them. I never ask for anything in return for they are so poor they have nothing to give but pure love and that's all I ever could ask for. 

 "Evening Buckets!" I greeted when I arrived at their house to receive a chorus of hellos and evenings back as I hang up my coat and scarf. "Hi Jane where is Charlie? I usually run into him on my way here." I asked. "Oh well he seems to be running late." She said as she was cooking cabbage soup. "Cabbage soup is almost ready. Don't supposed there is anything extra to put in?" She whispered to me. I reach in my bag and pull out a very small hand sized package of cooked ground beef and hand it to her. "Sorry it's all I could get." I say to her a little sad I couldn't get more. "Oh no, thank you sister. This will surely help fill our bellies tonight." She thanked me.

 That's when Grandpa Joe decided to speak up. "He works to hard for a little boy. He should have some time to play like all the other kids."

 "Not enough hours in the day.  With the four of you bedridden for the past few years, it takes a lot of work to keep this family going. Thank havens (Y/N's) here to help or we never be able to stay afloat." Jane said. 

Well I have Joe to thank for given me a home and family when I had nobody left. It's the least I could do." I said to Jane.

Grandma Josephine: If only his dad was alive. 

Grandpa Joe: Well I'm not completely bedridden. (Y/N) helps me get out of the bed and walk around everyday. Just you wait till I get my strength back. I'm going to get out of this god forsaken bed and help him.

Readers POV.

"I know you will grandpa Joe." I say as I walk over to the bed in the middle of the room where the four of them lay. "Grandma Josephine I got this for you so you can nit Charlie a new hat and scarf for his birthday." I said as I hand her two rolls of yarn. One red and one white. "Oh thank you my dear. This will surely make Charlie happy." She happily said, making me smile big. She is always like a kid on Christmas day when she got new yarn.

Just then Charlie enters. "Hi everyone." He says as I help hand out bowls of beef and cabbage soup. He greets his mom and grandparents and give each a kiss on the cheek.

 He greets his mom and grandparents and give each a kiss on the cheek

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"Hey Charlie where's mine." I say as I point to my cheek. "Oh sorry auntie"  Charlie says giving me a peck on the cheek. "Is this your supper Grandpa Joe?" Charlie asked looking down at the bowl of soup. "Well it's yours too Charlie." Said grandpa Joe. "Well I'm fed up with cabbage soup. It's not enough!" Charlie exclaims. "Charlie!" Grandma Georgia and I say at the same time. I was very surprised to hear him say such a thing. He's always been a very good boy. "It's all we have" says Grandma Josephine. "What are you saying?" Grandpa Joe asked Charlie. "Well how about this" he said as he shows us a loaf of bread. "Where you get that?" Mrs. bucket asked her son. "What difference does it make where he got it. Point is he got it." Said grandpa Joe. "It's my first pay from my job at the news paper stand Auntie helped me get." Charlie explained. "Well good for you Charlie." I praised. Good thing that grumpy old man at the newspaper stand owed me a favour. "We'll have a real banquet tonight with that and with the ground beef (N/Y) gave us." Joe said as Charlie smiles at me.

Later that night after supper, Jane and I was cleaning up while Charlie spoke with his grandparents. 

 Charlie: after I finished my paper route, I was in front of Wonka's. There was this strange man there. I think he was a tinker. He was standing right behind me, looking up at the factory. Just before he left he said, Nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out. 

Grandpa Joe: And right he was, Charlie. Not since the tragic day Willy Wonka locked it.

Charlie: Why'd he lock it?

Grandpa Joe: because all the other chocolate makers in the world were sending in spies... dressed as workers... to steal Mr. Wonka's secret recipes. Especially Slugworth. . . Oh that Slugworth, he was the worst!  Finally Mr. Wonka shouted "I will be ruined! Close the factory." And that's just what he did. He locked the gates and vanished completely.  And then suddenly, about three years later, the most amazing thing happened. The factory started working again, full blast!  And more delicious candies were coming out then ever before. But the gates stayed locked so that no one, not even Mr. Slugworth could steal them.

Charlie: But grandpa someone must be helping Mr. Wonka work the factory.

Grandpa Joe: Thousands must be helping him.

Charlie: But who? Who are they?

Readers POV.

 "That is the biggest mystery of all, Charlie" I say as I walk over to them. "Charlie you have to get to bed mister." said his mom. "Ok mom" Charlie said as he gave me and his mom a hug goodnight. "Goodnight Charlie, love you buddy." I say as I kiss his head. He kisses all of his grandparents and runs off to bed. "Well I should get going to." I say getting my coat and scarf. "I don't like you walking out there by yourself after dark." Grandpa Joe says to me as I get ready to leave. "Yeah I know Grandpa Joe but I can't stay here forever." I say back. " besides my apartment is not far from here anyway. I'll be alright." I say my goodbyes to everyone and start to make my way home as the bitter cold nips at my skin. I managed to get a very small apartment not far from their house. I make it home and quickly change into my nightgown and go to bed just to do it all again tomorrow. As I does off, my last thought were of the man that came by the library today. I do hope to see him again I mumble in my sleepy state as I doses off.

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