Chapter 3

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The next day.

                                                               Inside the library

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                                                               Inside the library.

Reader's POV 

 During my lunch break at work I went across the street to Bills candy shop to get Charlie his favourite Wonka bar. As I entered the store I accidentally bump into the stranger that came to the Library yesterday. "Oh I am so sorry sir. I was rushing and I didn't see you there." I quickly explained. " oh no worries my dear. It is good to see you again." He said. "As it is good to see you too kind sir." I said as I did a little curtsey like they used to do in the old days with a big smile on my face. He smiles at me and asks if he could interest me in a candy bar. "Oh thank you but i'm just here to get my nephew Charlie his favourite Wonka bar for his birthday today. He is such a good kid and he loves Wonk's chocolate bars." I explain. "Oh well then allow me to treat you and your nephew to one." He insisted. "Oh I couldn't ask you to do that." I insisted. Well you're not asking i'm offering." He said as he gestured for me to pick out what I wanted. I grab two regular Wonka bars and he pays for them. "Thank you, you really are so kind. How could I repay you?" I ask. "That's not necessary. Oh my! Look at the time. I must be on my way but You have a good day Melady." He says as he tips his hat and leaves. Well that was sudden I think to myself on my way back to the book store and sadly I never got his name.  

Shortly after I returned Mrs. Cornwell told me to go home. That she was closing the library early because the news just announced that Willy Wonka was holding a golden ticket contest and nobody was going to come to the library now. I went to the back office and turned on a tiny radio that was there. 

 Radio announcer: And now details on the sudden announcement that has captured the attention of the entire world. Hidden among the countless billions of Wonka bars are five gold tickets. And to the five people who find them will come the most fabulous prize one could wish for. A lifetime supply of chocolate. And as this were not enough, each winner before he receives his prize will be personally escorted through the top secret chocolate factory by the mythological Willy Wonka himself. The amount of chocolate involved in this competition has relighted the imagination to incite candy eaters and all citizens of the world.

Reader's POV

I was so struck by this that I grabbed my coat and scarf to head to the bucket house. As I left the library I could see children and grownups starting to mob Bill's candy shop across the street like the last day on earth. Wow! I am so happy I got Charlie's present before all this started. And that strange man I wonder who he is." I think to myself as I put one bar in my coat pocket for Charlie and the other in my bag for myself later. But I can't let my thoughts get carried away so I walk past to the bucket house. Maybe I can get Grandpa Joe out of bed a little longer sense I got the time.

 Maybe I can get Grandpa Joe out of bed a little longer sense I got the time

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 "Evening Buckets" I greeted just to be greeted back the same. Charlie was sitting on his grandparents bed watching the tv. "Charlie why are you not in school?" I asked as I sat to join them. "School was dismissed because of the golden ticket contest." Charlie said. "Same here" I said. It sure is something, isn't it? I asked as Charlie nodded his head.

Charlie: Grandpa, do you think I got a chance to find one? 

Grandpa Joe: One? I'm counting on you to find all five!

Charlie: One's enough for me.

 Reader's POV

Hearing Charlie say that made me so proud of him. He' such a good kid.

TV Newsman: already we have reports coming in that the response is phenomenal. Wonka bars are beginning to disappear from candy store shelves at a rate to boggle the mind. Truly it is incredible the way that Wonkamania has descended upon the globe. While the world searches, we watch and wait, wondering where will the pursuit lead and how long the spirit of man will hold up under the strain. 

Hearing the chaos this contest is causing made me happy that I had already got Charlie's present.  Charlie only gets two Wonka bars a year for his birthday. One from me and one from his family. I can only pray that he gets a ticket. I can think of nobody more deserving then Charlie. As I think this they announce that a repulsive fat German boy named Augustus Gloop has found the first golden ticket. I see Charlie's face fall a bit at this news.

"Let's wish Charlie a happy birthday and let him open his presents" I say to everyone to distract Charlie from the tv. "Happy Birthday Charlie" we all say together. Mrs. Bucket was the first to give Charlie a present. 

Mrs. Bucket: here you are Charlie. 

He thanked her and opened the present. It's a long red and white scarf and hat mad from the yarn I got. "It's terrific" said Charlie. We each knitted a bit, Grandma Georgia, Grandma Josephine and myself" said Charlie's mother. "I did the end pieces with the little tassels." Said Grandma Josephine. "And (Y/N) got the yarn." Said Grandma Georgia as Charlie gave me the biggest smile his face can hold. I love to see that smile. Grandpa Joe was next to give Charlie a present. "And here's a little gift from Grandpa George and me. I think you know what this is." Said Grandpa Joe as Charlie opens the gift. "It's a Wonka bar!" Exclaims Charlie. "Open it Charlie, let see that golden ticket." Grandpa Joe Said. "Wouldn't that be fantastic." Said Charlie.

That's when Charlie's mother stepped in and said, " it's not fare to get his hopes up. Never mind that Charlie, go on and open it. I want to see that gold." Said Grandpa Joe. 

Mrs. Bucket: "Stop it dad!"

That's when Charlie decided to speak up and say, "I've got the same chance as anybody else, haven't I?"

Reader: "I think you got more Charlie" I said. "Yeah because you want it more. So go on and open it Charlie." Finished Grandpa Joe. Charlie turns his back to his grandparents and decided to play a little prank on them as he opens the chocolate bar. "I got it!" Said Charlie. "Where? Where?" said Grandpa Joe. " Let's see" Said Grandma Josephine. "Fooled you didn't I? You thought I really had it." Said Charlie. " never mind, you'll find one." Said Joe. "You still have another shot Charlie. Here's a Wonka bar from me to." I said as i grabbed the chocolate bar out of my coat pocket and handed it to him. Only to find no golden ticket in that one either. "Here everybody have a bit" Charlie said as he broke his bars into pieces for us all. "Oh no Charlie, not your birthday present." I said. "It is my candy bars and I'll do with it what I want." Charlie said matter of factly as we all thank him. 

Later that night when I got home, I cried for Charlie. I was really praying that he get a golden ticket. It's been his dream to see the factory and meet Mr. Wonka, now it doesn't look like it will happen. I be lying if I said that I wasn't curious to. How does Mr. Wonka do it. But those are answer we may not ever get now. I think Charlie handled it better then I did. He truly did deserve it more then that fat boy and any other child. 

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