Chapter 6

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Ok so i'm going to do a small section in Willy Wonk's POV then it will be the Reader's POV 

Reader POV

I left my appointment earlier then normal to deliver the letter that Charlie wrote to Mr. Wonka as I promised. When I reached the gate I put the letter in the mailbox. I hope he gets this I think to myself as I stare at the factory. As I turn to leave I can't help but to have that strange feeling of being watched. I look around me but there are very few people on the street at this time in the morning and nobody seemed to be paying me any mind so I continue my short walk to the library. 

Willy Wonka's POV

I paced back-and-forth thinking heavily of the contest and the terrible children that have found the 4 golden tickets.  A gluttonous boy,  A spoiled rich girl,  A incisive gum chower, and a rude boy more interested in guns and Cowboys then candy. I know the news reported a fifth ticket been found but I knew it was a forged ticket because I know where the fifth ticket is and no one has yet to clam it. No matter. I already had that person reported as a fraud and he's been arrested. I stop my pacing and look out the window to my front gate that I know all to soon that the ticket winners will be at tomorrow. Then I see a woman walk up to the gate and slip an envelope in my mailbox.  Probably just another desperate person trying to bribe me for a ticket.  I've had several, more than generous offers from Rich families and even royals request a private tour.  Of course I denied. It would defeat my purpose all together for the contest. I look closer and I can see I was mistaken. It is the lovely woman that works at the library. I do believe I have a couple of books due.

Reader's POV

I make it to work and continue on with my day as usual if not a bit depressed thinking of Charlie finding out about the final ticket being found. The day was pretty slow and nobody was in the library at the moment so I decide to do some cleaning to pass the time. The book shelves were pretty dusty so I wiped down a top shelf and I hear the bell ring above the door and some one walk in. "I'll be right with you" I hollered to the front. Great I think to myself as I climbed down from the latter. If Mrs. Cornwell  heard me hollering in a Library of all places I'd probably lose my job. No I think to myself. She's far too kind hearted but I sure would get a stern talking to. I sighed as I make it to the front and lock eyes will a beautiful blue pair. "Oh hello again sir. Good to see you. Have you come to return the books?" I said politely. "Yes I have but if you don't mind me asking why do you seem so down today?" He asked. "Oh was it that noticeable." I asked a bit embarrassed he took notice of my mood so easily. "No but you have a certain sadness that is in your eyes that wasn't there before" he said quietly. "I am just tired that's all i'm sure it is" I tell him as I checked in his books. "Now surly you don't expect me to believe that's all it is, do you?" He said back giving me a stern but compassionate look. I just sighed again and closed my eyes for a moment and smiled kindly to the man. "I would not like to burden you with my troubles. You have been very kind to me and my troubles are not for you to worry about." I whispered to him not understand why he would want to know my troubles so much.  "Nonsense! He exclaimed loudly. "Shhh! Need I remind you that you are in a library." I said but couldn't keep the smile off my face at his boisterous outburst. "So said the woman who just hollered to me mear moments before." He whispered smiling widely while leaning over the desk separating us to be nearer to me causing a blush to spread across my face. "Ok you win" I said trying to control my apparent blush. As I think about what was troubling me my smile faded and a serious expression took over my face. "It's just this whole golden ticket contest. The last ticket was found last night and I know it will break my nephews Charlie's heart when he finds out. He probably already heard from his school. He is such a good kid and a big fan of Willy Wonka. He grow up on stories of the man for his grandfather was once a loyal worker for him. It was his dream to win a ticket even though we know it was unlikely. His family is rather poor and he only gets two chocolate bars a year but he never once complained. I do what I can but I always feel it's not enough. I even gave him the extra chocolate bar you were so kind to buy for me. I guess I just cannot bear the thought of him being so disappointed. He is such a deserving boy and to see the disgraceful children that did get the golden tickets. Ugh!" I stopped my rant because I was getting to upset. I took a deep breath to clam myself. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to go ranting on you like that. I was just upset." I said. "No my dear you have every right to be upset." The man said as he took my hand that was resting on the counter and held it within both of his. "I'm sure Mr Wonka has no idea how disappointed so many children would be to not get a ticket. It hardly seems far but i'm sure he has a good reason for doing it" He continued. "He better!" I said sternly but still smiling  feeling a little better that I was able to get this off my chest to someone. "Well if it will help I just so happened to stop by the candy store before coming here today and I would like to give you this to help you feel better. It is said that chocolate releases endorphins. Give oneself the feeling of being in love." He said while handing me a Wonka chocolate bar. "Oh really. You don't say." I said kinda flirtatiously but I was only joking around with the man. You know for a man to give a woman chocolate would normally mean the man likes the woman." I said while smiling to him. Oh God was I actually flirting with the man I think to myself causing my blush to return. "You never know." He said back with the most charming smile as he turned to leave. Oh god If my blush wasn't noticeable before it sure was now. "You know in all seriousness, i'll probably just end up giving it to my nephew Charlie anyway. Besides he loves Wonka bars and he deserves it more then me." I said.  "Well i'll just have to keep coming by to give you more for I could think of few more worthy." he said as he left out the door. Worthy? Worthy of what. The chocolate. I think to myself. "Wait I didn't get to ask you your.... I didn't get to finish name before he was already gone. He sure moves fast for a man with a cane I though.

Ok that chapter didn't not turn out the way I was expecting because i was trying to have the reader humble, not openly flirtatious. But I guess I can't complain. It did come out pretty good i think. Please comment below.

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