Chapter 5

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Reader's POV.

Later that night after I got Grandpa Joe out of the bed to stretch his legs and exercise for about an hour. I made dinner (cabbage and beef soup again) for everyone. With belly's full the grandparents fell fast asleep as Charlie watched the news telling of the fourth golden ticket being found in Marble Falls Arizona to a kid named Mike Teevee. He seemed kinda rude and way too immersed into the violent show on his television to even talk to the reporters. "Only one ticket left." Charlie said as his face fell back into it sad state. I walked over and turned the tv off. "Hey Charlie, how about I finish reading the green eggs and ham book to you before bed." I asked him. And that seemed to perk him back up as he nodded at me. "Ok have a seat at the table as I get the books from my bag." I told him. As he move to the table, I reached into my bag and I felt something that felt hard and flat like a small book but seemed too small to be a book. As I pulled it out I seen it was the second chocolate bar the nice stranger from the library got for me. I had put it in my bag and have completely forgotten about it. That means Charlie might still have a chance. I thought to myself. I had my back to Charlie this whole time so he hadn't seen the chocolate bar in my hand. I placed the chocolate bar under the books in my hand and walked to the table and took a seat next to him. He must of seen the look on my face as I tried to hid my excitement from him for he asked "is something wrong Auntie? No Charlie, I just wanted to give you something." I told him as I pulled out the chocolate bar from under the books and his face lit up like it was Christmas as I handed it to him. He hesitated for a moment "Go on now Charlie. Open it and see if it has the ticket." I said. "No you do it. I can't." He said as he tried to hand it back to me. "Something tells me that we may just get lucky. You know, just a funny feeling inside." I said as I held one end of the bar and Charlie the other. "Which end should I open first?" I asked Charlie. "That end.  Just a tiny bit." He said. "Like this?" I asked. "A bit more. Charlie said. "You finish it. I can't." I told Charlie, my nerves getting the better of me. "No Auntie you do it." Charlie insisted. "Ok here goes" I said as I ripped the rest of the rapper off only to see no golden ticket. I let my hopes get up only for both our hopes to sink faster then a brick in water. Until Charlie surprise me with "ya know, I bet those golden tickets probably makes the chocolate taste terrible." I hugged him tightly almost in tears for the boy. We sat there together and he ate the chocolate bar as I read the book to him.

 As I finished the book he was half asleep with his head on my shoulder. "Alright Charlie, time for bed." I said as he yawned. "Auntie?" Charlie said sleepily as he blinked a few times. "Yes Charlie." I answered. "Do you think Mr. Wonka could make green eggs and ham in a candy version?" He asked. "I think he sure could Charlie." I answered. "It would go good with the book" I added. "Yeah. "I have a few ideas for Mr. Wonka's candies" Charlie said. "But it doesn't look like I'll get to ask him." Charlie finished. "Like what?" I asked Charlie. "Well maybe he could do a chocolate rose. I know your favorite flowers are roses." He said "that would also work well with Valentine's Day" I said to as he nodded his head to me. "I also think maybe he could make chocolate lipstick for couples on Valentines too." I added. "Ewe! Don't make it gross Auntie!" Charlie exclaimed. I had to cover my outburst of a laugh to not wake the grandparents not far from us. When we got our giggling under control I said. "I tell you what. You write down all your ideas and I will drop the letter off at Mr. Wonka's gate first thing in the morning before I go to work." I said to Charlie. "Really?" Charlie asked getting excited again. "Yes really." I answered as I got a piece of paper and a pencil for him. When he finished I put the letter in a envelope and sealed it haven him put his name on it. "There" I said as l put the envelope in my bag. "Now off to bed Charlie. Your mom would have my head if she found out I let you stay up this late on a school night." I said as I ruffled his hair and gave him a kiss goodnight. About a half hour later at 11 pm Jane returned home tired and exhausted from work. "Long day?" I asked as Jane drop her bag and dragged herself to the table where I was sitting. "You have no idea." she said as I got ready to leave for the night."How's Charlie?" She asked.  "Fast asleep in his bad." I answered. "You didn't let him stay up did you?" She asked as she gave me a I know you look. "Now what kind of aunt would I be if I did that" I said all innocently. (Y/N!) Jane said scoldingly. "Sorry Jane but I wanted to read a book to him before bed." I answered. "You always let him get away with everything when you're around." She said smiling at me. "As if his grandparents aren't bad enough." She finished as she turned on the late night news, waking the grandparents." I learned from the best" I said smiling at Grandpa Joe. "He's a good kid Jane. You haven't need to worry about him." I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "No I have to worry about you!" She said back jokingly. As we shared a small laugh.

 Reporter: That's it! That's it! It's all over! Here is the most recent picture of Alberto the happy finder of the fifth and final golden ticket. The man that has finally put an end to the Wonkamania for all the world.

 Grandpa Joe: "Turn it off! Well that's that. No more golden tickets."

 Grandma Josephine: "A bunch of rubbish. The whole thing." 

 Grandpa Joe: "Not to Charlie it wasn't. A little boy's has to have something in this world to hope for. What's he have to hope for now."

(Y/N) : "Who's going to tell him."

Mrs. Bucket: "Let's not wake him. He'll find out soon enough."

 Grandpa Joe: "Yeah. Let him sleep. Let him have one last dream." 

Reader's POV

I agreed with grandpa Joe as I left to go home. It has been a long day for all of us. 

N/A. Don't worry I will have more of that handsome stranger in the next page.

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