Chapter 1

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Reader's POV

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Reader's POV.

Another day at the local Library\book store. Well it's the only library and book store in this semi small town. It slow right now because it's 10am and all the kids are in school. I've worked here for many years now and each day just about the same. There's nothing really exciting here in this town except the Willy Wonka chocolate factory. I always wondered what the factory was like but it hasn't been open to anyone for a very long time. Not sense the magnificent Willy Wonka closed it down. Well he was closed but somehow started making candy again one day without anybody working back there again. No one knows how. This town used to be a bustling flourishing town back then from what I can remember.  Many of the people working in the factory but ever since Willy Wonka closed the doors to the factory to everyone, the money this town made has dwindled along with the population. I came here with my mother and father when I was very little. My father used to work for Mr. Wonka as well and when the factory closed my father couldn't find a new job and sadly became very ill soon after. Mother did her best but there was just no money for his medicine and he passed not long after. Then as a teen my mother passed to. Leaving me with no immediate family to turn to. Thankfully though a friend of my father's Joe bucket helped care for me until I could move out on my own. As repayment for their kindness and love, I in turn help care for the now elderly joe and his family and with what money I can give them. It's not much but it's the best I can do with what little this town has to offer. I'm very fortunate to have met Mrs. Cornwell when I was a young teen for she gave me this job. It doesn't pay much but it's not the worst pay either. Overall I'm a blessed woman to have a steady job and be able to help support the Buckets. Jane Bucket! Joe's daughter has very much become like a sister to me and her family like my family though I try not to be to dependent on them to much which is why I decided to get my own little apartment.

 A ding from the door as someone walked in broke me out of my daydream. A gentlemen whom I have never seen before walk in with a top hat and cane. His curly blond hair is a bit wildly under his top hat and he walks with a small limp but overall a fairly good looking man. He looks around and selects a few book to read and comes to the counter where I'm at and placed the books down. As I look up to the stranger I'm met with the most stunning blue eyes i'v ever seen. "Blue eyes" I whispered to myself but he must of heard me because he gave me a very charming smile. "Oh huh.  Sorry sir did you find everything you needed?" I asked with a bit of a flush on my face. He nodes his head and stairs at me with a calm smile as I ring his books up. "Do you wish to buy or borrow the books sir?" I asked trying not to make the fact that i'm blushing in front of this handsome man to apparent. To borrow he says just as calmly as he appears. Ok they will be due one week from today. Thank you for stoping by. I said being as polite as possible though i'm always polite. As I go to hand him his books his hand gently brushing my fingers as he takes his books making me look down, only adding to my no doubt already flustered state. He leaves with nothing more but I do hope to see him again. Why I don't know. I never really paid much attention to men though I am still fairly young and attractive women. I always had to much on my plate to worry about any potential suitors. The remainder of my shift comes to a end and Mrs. Carnwell tells me to go home that she can handle it from here today and hands me my pay for the week. I thank her and leave to head to the Bucket home.

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