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Weakness forgive me, I tried

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Weakness forgive me, I tried

Even the best of us cry- Heron- Grumble Bee

The old battered car had once again successfully got the three school, despite cutting out a few times. Sojung couldn't help but notice the smaller girl from the rearview mirror, taking in how the girl fiddled with her hair as she listened to the tinning music blaring from her earphones. She'll burst her eardrums if she turns it up any louder.

"Stop staring, she is gonna notice," Eunbi explained as she caught Sowon stare at Eunha for the fourth time within ten minutes.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on getting Yerin in your bed." Sojung snapped back as she turned her attention back to the road ahead of her.

"Oh yeah, I've been needing to talk to you about that," 

"You guys alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's just I know that you have had trouble with depression and anxiety and stuff. I just need your opinion." SinB exclaimed.

"Of course, what's wrong. And don't worry, I know how you hate to talk about personal things." Sojung smirked before being hit lightly by SinB.

"Anyway! Yerin has been really down recently and ignoring me. I've tried asking her what's wrong but she won't explain. She puts on a very brave face but I can see through her. I just don't know what to do. I love her Sojung and Yerin knows it, maybe that's why she doesn't want to tell me or maybe she doesn't love me back, or"

"SLOW DOWN! Take a breather for a second. All you need to do it show her once or twice that you are there, don't tell her, show her. Bring her back after class today, then go from there okay." Sojung smiled as she turned into the car park.

"Eunha, who are you staying with today?" Sowon asked as the younger took her earphones out of her ears and gets her bag ready to exit the car.

"My old friends said they would consider being friends again if we talked through everything."

"And who are your old friends?" Sowon asked, being a quite protective mother-like figure towards the girl.

"You don't have to worry, it's only Jiyoo, Hayoon and Sejun."

"And their entire quad I'm taking it." Sojung queried, arms crossed.

"Maybe, but I'll be fine. I'm seventeen, nearly eighteen. I'll be fine." Eunha smiled as she exited the car and met up with the group of people. Sowon watched heinously as the younger girl slowly made her way up to the group, looking petrified.

"I'm not so sure about her staying with them all day, they've left her before they can leave her again." Sojung blurted out, finally getting out of the car.

"You worry too much, she'll be fine. Also, take that wicked look off your face, you look like you could beat that group to death. It's not a pretty look for a woman." SinB explained.

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