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"So tell me when you hear my heart stop" - Possibility by Lykke Li

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"So tell me when you hear my heart stop" - Possibility by Lykke Li

Eunha sat and stared. There was nothing she could do. The young boy's mother and father had too much money that there was no way that Eunha could win a court battle. No matter how much evidence they have.

Whether that evidence is the clothes with his DNA on it or the two-month-old baby that currently occupies Eunha's uterus.

"The school have said they would like to see you. For a meeting. I think it might be too see whether you can do the work from home instead. At least then you don't have to see him again." Sojung explained as she sat next to the girl staring out of the window.

"I'm not coming in." Eunha blankly replied in a monotone voice.

"Eunha, it's been two months. I'm being patient with you. You know that you can't throw your education away for some dickhead."

"No need for education if I'm pregnant."

"That's more of a need to get one. You need to provide for your baby somehow." Sowon sighed.

"What? Provide for the baby I don't want, the baby I got pregnant with by rape, the baby that is ruining my life forever. I'm not going to school end of."

"No, I'm not having that. If you aren't gonna get dressed in your uniform then I'm just going to drag your ass to school in your pyjamas, I don't give a fuck."

"Wanna know the reason why I don't want to go in?"

"Go on then, enlighten me!"

"Because I'M gonna be the WEIRD pregnant teenager, who got raped and no one believes me and they all believe Jaeho. And this stupid fucking infant is making me feel sick ever two minutes, I can't deal with it!" Eunha cried as she was lead by Sowon into the car on the way to school.

"No one thinks like that, I swear, they are so supportive of you. Jaeho has literally been cancelled by the whole school, his friends hate him, he goes around by himself." Sojung explained.

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for the cunt?"

"Oi language, but no I'm not trying to get sympathy for him but I'm trying to get you to see why you would be better to go to school and see for yourself, everyone is on your side," Sojung said as she drove into the school.

"I don't want their sympathy, I just want to be back to my normal self, before the baby, before the rape, before the drugs. I just want to be happy." Eunha sobbed.

"Come on, let's just get this meeting done and we can see what the school says. Dry those eyes little one." Sojung smiled as she stretched her shirt over her hands and wiped the eyes of the younger one. She stopped and stared at the younger girl, it was like a drama. Without thinking Sojung leaned in and placed her soft lips onto Eunha's cracked lips. They moved together for a few minutes before breaking for air.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I'm such a clown."

"Sojung...don't. I liked it. In fact, I liked it so much I want you to do to it again." Eunha smiled as she stared into Sowon's eyes.

"I would but the meeting starts in five minutes and we have to go." Sojung grinned as she left the car and then went to get Eunha from her side. Luckily the meeting was when everyone else was in class so they could walk through the school without people staring. They reached the meeting before it started and they were welcomed in.

"Welcome Miss Jung, Miss Kim. Please, take a seat." The headmaster explained as he motioned his hand to the chairs in front of him and the counsellor. Eunha and Sojung take their seats next to each other, in front of the headmaster and wait for him to start the conversation. 

"Welcome back Eunbi, how are you doing?" The headmaster questioned as he opened his book to start to take notes, the counsellor doing the same.

"I mean I've got a rapist's baby in me, making me vomit every two fucking minutes so, yeah I guess I'm in tip-top fucking shape." Eunha grunts as she leant back against her chair.

"Miss Jung please watch your language."

"Why? You aren't the one carrying a baby by rape so you don't get a say in anything." Eunha cried as she let her arm dangle by the side of the chair.

"Okay, then what can we do to make the rest of your future better?"

"I mean you could kill me or Jaeho, at this point I really don't give a flying fuck."

"Hey, bab...Eunha don't speak like that." Sojung stuttered as she held Eunha's hand that was dangling from the chair.

"Now Eunbi, we have a question to ask you that can make your time at the academy more helpful, we would like you to answer it honestly." The headmaster explained as he flicked through his book.

"Now, how long do you think you will need to have off when the infant is born and is there anyone who could have the baby while you attend the academy?" 

"I mean, a year would be perfect. But I'm not even sure if I'm going to keep the child. Adoption seems to be my only option right now. Plus there isn't anyone to have the baby, my dad is dead, my mother kicked me out and I don't have anyone else."

"I leave the academy this year, you can always leave the baby with me," Sojung explained as she looked into Eunha's eyes.

"Thanks, Sowon, but I will need to have a think about it."

"Okay now, how are things with Jaeho?" The headmaster asked, causing Eunha to instantly shudder at this name, her face turning pale.

"How do you think? He raped me! We aren't going to be going around like best friends."

"Yeah, sorry that was a stupid question. Now how would you feel if you saw Jaeho?"

"There aren't words to describe how I would feel, I would more than likely vomit, or pass out and that isn't good for the baby. Also, can I have a bathroom pass? This kid really is pressing on my bladder."

"Okay, of course, we will give you a bathroom pass and we will remove Jaeho from all of your lessons."

"Thank you."

"However, if you somehow come into contact with him, then go straight to a teacher, or just do anything to get away from him. Pull a fire bell if needs be." The headmaster explained.

"Okay, can I go home now? I'm exhausted, I'll be back on Monday." Eunha explained as she stood up, pulling Sojung up with her before bowing in front of the two seniors and leaving. The two were silent before they headed into the car.

"I'm proud of you, also can I ask you something?"

"Of course what?" Eunha sighed as she turned to the tall girl.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I've been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the only person who has kept me happy. The other night what we had was so special and it would be something I would love to do again sometime. So what do you say?"

"Of course. YES, yes, yes, yes." Eunha sobbed while she launched her lips onto Sojungs, as the kiss got longer, it also got more heated.

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