Chapter 5

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I awaken and I check the time, it's quite late in the afternoon. I look around my room and see the door that is split at the bottom. Fuck I forgot about the damn door he kicked last night or was it this morning. I can't remember probably because of all the times he's smashed my head into something, what a lovely father he is. The last thing I need right now is to replace my door.

I turn my phone on in hopes for a distraction. I see a text from Mr. Smith asking if I'm still able  to come in for the interview at 2:00. Shit, I can't be late for this interview I need the hours. I rush in the shower throw my best clean clothes on which just happen to be a pair of jeans and a shirt. I grab my keys and decide to lock my door knowing it won't keep him out of he really wants in.

I pull into the library parking lot and pay for my ticket. It's 1:55 when I walk through the door and Hannah greets me and sees me to Mr. Smith's office. He's seated at his desk typing something on the laptop. He stands and shakes my hand. We sit down and he puts his glasses on, closes his laptop, and sits back in his chair. "Mr. Miller, how have you been?" He asks and I'm surprised by the question simply because I he seems like a straight to the point man. "I've had better days sir." I answer. "I respect your honesty Noah and I'm glad that you came in today." "I'm glad that you have time to see me today." He ands me a paper and leaves the room.

The paper has one question on it. "When can you start?" I am surprised by the lack of a proper interview as well as that fact that he wants to hire me right away. "Whatever day and whatever time works for you Mr. Smith. Thank you." I write and leave the paper on his desk and walk out to my car.

I'll go to Connor's hardware store where I currently work and give them my two weeks or whatever. When I let my boos know he's pissed like usual but I couldn't care less. I grab the things out of my locker in the back, I don't have much in there just an extra sweater and shirt along with a little extra cash just in case Kevin finds my stash at home. Once I have my things loaded in the car I dive back home.

Kevin isn't home, well his truck isn't in the driveway so I'm guessing that he isn't home. I'm glad when I walk in and see that my door is only as broke as it was when I left this afternoon. Today keeps getting better.

I'm exhausted even though I woke up in the afternoon, it's probably because of my improper diet that consists of sugary cereal in the morning when I do eat breakfast as well as ramen noodles. Fuck I haven't even eaten today I've been so busy. I only have a small amount of noodles left so I'll have to go out sometime this week and buy some more and possibly something else to change it up a bit.

Once my noodles have time to cool down I open my laptop and work on my assignments while sitting on my bed and eating. I didn't realize how hungry I was but my noodles are gone before I notice how fast I'm eating. I finish one assignment then check the time, it's late in the evening and I haven't heard the door  slam yet so I assume that he isn't coming home tonight and is probably passed out at some bar not that I care. I slide my laptop under my bed shut my light off and fall asleep.

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