Day Three

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Dick was starting to lose hope Wally loved him. It was currently 12 in the afternoon and Dick didn't get one call or text. Dick sighed and got up from his comfy spot in the cave he gave his phone one last glare and put it away. I give up. Mabe Wally and I are just no ment to be. Dick was pulled out of his thoughts by a beeping sound coming from the Batcomputer. It was nothing special just a reminder that school was closed becauss of a bome being set off there. Nobody was hurt thankfully but Gotham Academy wouldn't be functional for two months of which time Dick is being home schooled. Dick debated in his head what to do that day. Talk to Wally. Snuggle with Wally. KISS WALLY! DO ANY-FREAKING THING WITH WALLY!! Dick's heart screamed at him but he knew if Wally didn't try to contact him by the end of the day they would have to break up. It was a horrible thought but Dick knew Wally had plenty of time to contact him.

Wally started at his phone wondering why Dick wasn't calling or texting him. He usually would have blown up his phone by now. Mabe He's realised your worthless and decided to cut you out of his perfect life. The voice in the back of Wally's head said setting seeds of distraught in his mind.

Wally picked up the phone and clicked Dick's number and chose dile. It rang and rang until he heard "Hi this is Dick Grayson if you want to talk to me sorry I'm a little bissy right now. Hopefully I'll live ling enough to call you back have a nice day!" Wally chucked his phone at the Wall than used his speed to stop it from hitting the wall. "That's it Dick. I'm going to talk to you whether you like it or not." Wally ran to the manor and knocked on the door. Alfred opened it with his stone face starring down at Wally seeing into his soul.

"Hi Al, is Dick here?"

"Yes, do you wish to come in Master Wallace?"

"Yes please I need to see Dick." Wally started getting anxious.

"Right this way." Alfred led Wally to Dick's room knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" Dick asked sitting up straight.

"Master Dick you have a guest."

"Oh? Ok thanks Al." Dick walked over and opened his door to cone face to face with Wally. They froze. Alfred slowly backed away.

"Wally." Dick nodded his head and opened the door to let him in. On the outside Dick was controlled and calm but on the inside? It was a storm in there he was happy Wally came to see him. But nerviouse because he didn't know how to react.

"Thanks." Wally said staring at the floor. Dick layed down on the bed glancing over every once and a while. "So why haven't I seen your wonderful face in the last three days?"

"I don't know why have you been flirting with girls on our dates?" Dick asked not hiding his spite.

"Is that what this is about?" Wally asked holding back laughter "You haven't spoken to me because you got jealous!" Wally let his giggles slip out. Dick stared at him tears threatening to spill.

"I'm done." With those two words Wally froze.


"I'm done!" Dick repeated slower. "I'm done with you taking everything as a joke! Especially our relationship!" Dick stood up getting in Wallys face.

"I'm taking this relationship seriously! It's you who begs for attention! Well newsflash for you rich boy the world doesn't revolve around you!"

"I know that! I just want someone who respects me enough not to flirt with other people when on dates with them!" The tears broke free and were now running down Dick's face.

"Why are you crying you big baby?" Wally yelled his anger blinding him. He raised his fist and brought it down on Dick's face.



Dick looked up from his place on the floor. "I think you better leave." He voice quiet and venomous.

"No." Wally collapsed next to him on the floor trying to comfort him. "Dick I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I'm so so sorry." Wally was sobbing now begging Dick to forgive him. "PLEASE! I don't-I can't-" Wally hung his head in shame.

"Wally." Dick pulled him into a hug. One of the last ones they'll share as a couple. "We need time apart. I see that now."

"No I'll do anything! Please don't leave me! I'll stop flirting with people, I'll-"

"No we need some time apart. We should get out their meet new people." They were both sobbing now. Dick fell asleep in Wallys embrace. Wally got off the floor picking up the sleeping little bird and placing him on the bed. He gently brushed aside a strand of hair that was in his face.

"I love you Little Bird." Wally exited the room and walked out of the manor. He looked back to see Bruce in one of the windows glaring at him. Wally bowed his head and ran home.

Ok so that was that. Hoped you enjoyed. Please request!

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