Chapter 4

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"How did they fall off?"

"Karma did it."


"Irina did it!"

"So this is on me now!"


"Well, how did it even happen!?"

"I don't know!"

I opened my eyes to see a blurry vision of them. I couldn't see anything clear for a few seconds. Everything looks colourful. I blinked a few times, like when that one blurry thing touches your eyes. But when it didn't go away, I rubbed my eyes. It took a few seconds of sitting and blinking before I could see in front of me clearly.

"Karma? Nagisa?" I looked ahead of my self. Then I realized that the whole class was looking at me. I was sitting in a desk, something soft underneath me. I didn't pay too much attention before looking at Nakamura, who happened to be taking photos. I groaned, "What now?"

But the pictures stopped when I opened my eyes all the way.

"(Y-Y/n), do you wear contact lenses?" Karma asked. Even he seemed a bit pale.

"No. Why?" I felt good now. My back wasn't heavy. When I tried to stand up, someone pulled me back down from behind.

"Who the hell is—" I turned to see what I can only describe as Nagisa.

He blushed a little bit and let go. "S-Sorry! You were just yelling things in your sleep. You sorta passed out for a few hours while we—" He stopped short and looked down darkly.

"What happened?" I looked at him, shaking his shoulder.

Karma tried reaching out a hand, but seemed to not be able to. "(Y/n)... Your wings came off about an hour ago. No one knows how except Karasuma, and he won't spill."

I groaned. "Maybe them coming off was a good thing."

"Is anyone going to address her eyes?" Nakamura asked.

I closed one eyelid and touched it, still wondering what they were taking about. "What about them?"

Isogai seemed to step back a tad.

I looked at someone else. "Maehara? Karma?"

Both stepped back.

"Fine! Nakamura, what's wrong with my eyes?"

She looked at me. Not directly, but she did. "Your eyes aren't (e/c). They're a bright yellow."


"Of course I know why!" Karasuma explained to the class for the tenth time. "But. It. Is. Classified."

I raised my hand, "I want to tell them."

"If you do, you know what'll happen." His eyes looked at me sternly.

"And it'll be fine! I've been through worse!" I stood up and hit my desk.

He gave me a bit of a flare and walked out as calm as he could.

I mustered a smile at them. "I want to tell you!"

Karma had another glare, a bit less timid than Karasuma's. "I know when you're lying," He stood up and looked at me. "You almost never smile. And that little smile of yours is fake as fuck. I know it. Isogai does too."

Isogai nodded to the side. "It's fine if your not that happy. It's not like people are going to kill you."

"But they are." I whispered meekly. "They all are."

Most of the class trembled in a frightened daze.

Suddenly, I felt myself jump to the side as the sound of shattering glass and a ricochet of a live bullet as it blasted passed my head. I fell backwards over my desk and backed into a corner of the room, hands pressed against the wall.

Everyone immediately rushed over to me. Karma and Nagisavlooked all over me in case I got hit anywhere. Thankfully, nowhere.

"Are you okay?!" There was a loud yell from Kayano.


I stayed silent in shock. My neon green eyes focused on the bullet that lied on the floor. Sugino picked it up and showed everyone.

Knowing he was experienced with guns and bullets, I asked, "What type of bullet is that? I know we don't use live ammunition, but..." I stopped short, unable to muster anything else.

"It's from a sniper. You can see the streamlined shape and narrow frame." He held it closer to me, but I didn't dare touch it. "But take a closer look and you can see that there's a curve in the bullet's edge. That's why it wasn't a straight shot to your head."

I looked around. By the position of where my head was versus the hole in the glass, it was obvious that it could of hit me. If I had been just an inch closer or the bullet been straight...

"I-I can't do this. I can't live like this. If they know where I go to school, there's no telling what they can do. They probably know where I live."

Karma and Isogai gave a hard stare. All the while, a dark stay filled the room.

I was right.

Only darkness could be brought forward.


"I thought you could shoot better, R—."

"I'm trying my best! It's why I use my gun! Not a loaner."

"Then maybe try your luck doing something else."

There was a moment of silence.

"Shooting from fifty yards? Boom. Enemy shoot. But a hundred with a loaner? Aaaahh— I don't think so."

There was another moment of silence before he pulled the trigger again.

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