What now

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The rain is falling heavily outside their window, moist was seen on it, loud raindrops hitting the glass window, feeling so cold, staying warm while cuddling under the soft woolen mattress. 

A perfect weather to just snuggle and cuddle, and be lazy with your favorite person.

"Good morning" Lisa smile and stretched her arms up

"Good morning" Jennie replied and wrapped around her arms at the younger's waist and squeeze her

"Aaaaaahh!" The younger lazily complained

"I'm sorry." She burried her head on the tounger's chest

"Its okay." She wrapped her arms too and hugged her tightly, squeezing

"Aaaaahhh! That hurts!" The older complained and untangle herself then turned her back from the younger. .

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. You're just kinda fluffy. Hehe." She chuckle awkwardly and cuddle to the older


"Im sorry OK, not gonna happen again." Lisa pleaded and rubbed her fingers slowly and softly at the olders back hand

The older was giggling inside but she keep it to make the younger pursue her more.

"Okay" she said nonchalantly

"Are you angry?"


"Then why you sound like you are?"

"I am not angry." She stayed in her position and the younger was creasing her brows of her sudden change of mood.

"We were just fine and now she's turning her back from me and telling me she's not angry? What sorcery is this?" She asked to herself in her mind

She take off her arms and just lie straight, contemplating.

When she runs out giving excuses in her mind she slowly stretch out her body and inform the older.

"I'll go to the kitchen and check, if jisoonnie is awake then i'll help her prepare our breakfast " she said and slowly pull her body from the bed

But she was pushed back by the older quickly, sitting on top of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" The older asked with a straight face, the younger gulped

"K kit chen?" She stutter and smiled awkwardly

"And you're leaving me here?" She asked with a little bit of tone.

"Y y eah?" She said and closed her eyes, afraid of the older's wrath

The next thing that happened, shocked her.

"Mm?" she opened her eyes and saw their face only an inch apart and their plump lips are pressed softly against each other. 

"Aare wwe ---" she mumble in their kiss but the older deepened it and slowly biting her lower lip to turn her on for a round, maybe.

"nnoot ggonna eeaat?" She was able to finish it and the older release her then look at her.

"We are." And back at her.

They stayed for some good minutes and later on decided to go out of the room with groomed self.

"Oh! I thought you two are gonna sleep all day and not eat." Jisoo teasingly said and get 2 plates for them with spoon and fork. .

Lisa is on her favorite hoody and ripped jeans while jennie is on her loose shirt and sweat pants with her messy but sexy looking hair. .

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